The Africana Bible: Reading Israel's Scriptures from Africa and the African Diaspora by Valerie Bridgeman; Hugh PageFeatures a critical commentary on every book of the Hebrew Bible, the Apocrypha, and Pseudepigrapha that are authoritative for many in African and African-diasporan communities worldwide. It highlights issues of concern to the global Black community (such as globalization and the colonial legacy) and the distinctive norms of interpretation in African and African Diasporan settings.
Africa and the Bible by Edwin M. YamauchiExplores the historical and archaeological background of biblical texts that refer to Africa and traces the results of past interpretations and misinterpretations.
Proverbs and the African Tree of Life (Online) by Dorothy Akoto-Abutiate, BEACompares chosen sayings from Proverbs and selected Ewe Folk proverbs using the agricultural metaphor of "grafting." Argues that folk sayings/proverbs, which abound in Africa, should be considered as an already mature, established tree on to which a piece of the biblical tree is spliced or engrafted to produce hybridized fruits that have uniquely different tastes than the fruits of each tree individually.
Divining the Woman of Endor: African Culture, Postcolonial Hermeneutics, and the Politics of Biblical Translation by J. Kabamba KibokoAn examination of the language of divination in the Hebrew Bible, particularly in 1 Samuel 28:3-25-the oft-called "Witch of Endor" passage. Using African contextual/cultural hermeneutics and cross-cultural translation theory, Kiboko offers new English, French, and Kisanga translations of this passage that are both faithful to the original text and more appropriate to an inculturated-liberation African Christian hermeneutic, theology, and praxis.