The Meal That Reconnects (Online) by Mary E. McGannPresents the food crisis as a spiritual crisis--a call to rediscover the theological, ecological, and spiritual significance of eating and to probe its challenge to Christian eucharistic practice.
Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating (Online) by Norman WirzbaProvides a theological framework for assessing the significance of eating. Drawing on diverse theological, philosophical, and anthropological insights, it offers fresh ways to evaluate food production and consumption practices as they are being worked out in today's industrial food economy.
To the Table: A Spirituality of Food, Farming and Community by Lisa Graham McMinnThis spirituality of eating and food helps us reflect on current realities and understand how eating forms our souls inwardly, upwardly, and outwardly. Offers practical guidance on what it means to eat alone or in community with more intention, compassion, humility, and gratitude.