The African American Experience: An Historiographical and Bibliographical Guide
Published in 2000, a collection of seventeen bibliographic essays, each followed by a list of several sources.
African American Newspapers and Periodicals: A National Bibliography
Available only in print
Oxford African American Studies Center
Comprehensive collection of scholarship focused on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture, coupled with precise search and browse capabilities.
Oxford Bibliographies offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies on specific topics across varied subject areas. Each of these features an introduction to the topic. Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable. The content is arranged into modules including African American Studies.
Oxford Research Encyclopedias:
Link to the general collections of Cambridge University Press, including the Cambridge Histories and Cambridge Companions.
Includes several titles in African American Studies such as The Oxford Handbook of African American Theology, The Oxford Handbook of African American Citizenship, 1865-Present, and The Oxford Handbook of the African American Slave Narrative.
In addition to online library catalogs, reference sources, and footnotes/citations in sources you've already found, subject-specific databases are another extremely helpful resource for finding secondary literature, including the latest scholarly journal articles in the field. A key one for research in African American Studies is: