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Traditional Medicine, Science, and the Politics of Healing in the U.S.: Materials Used in Class Session

A guide for Ximena Lopez Carrillo's class, Traditional Medicine, Science, and the Politics of Healing in the U.S. (ER&M 309)


The following entries highlight the collection materials used in the special collections session for this class held in the Gates classroom, Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, on Tuesday, November 1st. Additionally, the following online guides will assist you in using Yale's special collections and finding primary sources for your research project.

While you're exploring the collection items in front of you, it may be useful to consider some of the following questions:

  1. Who created the materials you're looking at? When and where were they created?
  2. What is going on in the folders you looked at? What is the context for the document(s)? For what purpose(s) were they created?
  3. Whose perspective(s) comes through in the document(s) you examined? Whose doesn’t?
  4. How do the materials relate to the readings, themes, questions, and discussions you've encountered in this course so far?
  5. What potential research questions do the materials raise?
  6. Did anything surprise you when looking at the folders in your collection?

Archival Collections

Edward C. and Lotta Hume Papers (MS 787) - Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library

  • Series IV, Box 10: Various folders containing Edward Hume's writings, many relating to Chinese medicine, circa 1920s-1960s.
  • Series IV, Box 11: Various folders containing Edward Hume's writings, many relating to Chinese medicine, circa 1920s-1960s

Helen Varney Papers (MS 2040) - Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library

  • Box 1, folder 5: Armentia Jarret and Madera, California, Nurse Midwife trial, 1960s-1990s.
  • Box 4: Various folders relating to family planning, rooming-in at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Mississippi Nurse Midwife Project, circa 1940s-2010.
  • Box 7: Various folders relating to family planning and midwifery, 1970-1981.

Christopher Phillips Papers (MS 1830) - Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library

  • Series X, Box 56, folder 35: Materials relating to Phillips's time in Nepal, where he contracted Hepatitis and was treated for it by an Ayurvedic doctor, 1982.

Nigeria Collection (MS 1553) - Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library

  • Original accession, Box 6, folder 70: Meet the Oracle byElias Folusa Yosuf, "dedicated to genuine traditional healing in Africa," 1986.

Clark L. Hull Papers (MS 294) - Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library

  • Series I, Box 2, folders 12-16: Materials relati ng to hypnosis experiments, research, and plans for a book, 1922-1929.

Pamphlet Collection (MS 1351) - Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library

  • Original accession, Box 9: Assorted pamphlets on Africa, including religion, social conditions and policy, circa 1960s-1970s.
  • Original accession, Box 151: Assorted pamphlets and papers on medicine in various African countries, circa 1960s-1970s.
  • Original accession, Box 203, folder "Shamanism": The Shaman's Healing Way by Spencer L. Rogers, 1976.

Medical Instruments Collection - Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library

Robert Bogdan International Collection on Disability, Healthcare, and Body Modification (Ms Coll 84) - Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library

  • Volume 3: Disability: veterans, charity
  • Volume 4: Disability: begging, town characters, performers, exhibits

Books (from the Medical Historical Library, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library)