History of Astronomy: Persons. From Wolfgang R. Dick. Last revised 2001. Includes A Finding List of Obituary Notes of Astronomers 1900-1997 by Hilmar W. Duerbeck, Beatrix Ott, and Wolfgang R. Dick.
Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. 2007 online Addendum to 5th edition 2003 Addendum to 5th edition 2006 c1999 LSF QB651 S3X 1999 (LC) c1997 Kline Science Library QB651 S3X, Astronomy Library, Room 217 Gibbs (non-circulating) CAT QB651 S3X 1997 (LC), 1993 Astronomy Library, Room 217 Gibbs (non-circulating) CAT QB651 S3X 1993 (LC)
Commonwealth of Independent States: 1996-1997 Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff. SI Shkuratov and EF Talantsev. Publishing Company of the Urals Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996. Biographical information on 5151 scientists from 15 states of the former Soviet Union. LSF QC15 S453X 1996+ Oversize
Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. By Thomas Hockey. 2007 in print at Library Shelving Facility
Annual Review of Biochemistry. 1932- Introductory chapter or articles in each volume are autobiographical. 1932-1996 LSF
Bio-bibliography for the History of the Biochemical Sciences Since 1800 by (Yale's) JS Fruton. This bibliography and its supplement provide citations to biographical entries in reference works, including some lesser known titles, and from specialized journals. Marx Library Z5524 B54 F78 1982, Medical/Historical Library Reference Hist Ref 2 ZPQP511 F78 1982 Hist Ref 2 ZQP511 F78 1995+ Oversize
Coral Whisperers: scientists on the brink, by Irus Braverman. Interviews with six marine biology scientists. University of California Press, 2018. location
Selected Bibliography of Biographical Data for the History of Biochemistry Since 1800 by (Yale's) JS Fruton. Marx Library Z7404 F78 (LC)+ Oversize
Notable Women in the Life Sciences: a biographical dictionary, edited by BF Shearer. Marx Library QH26 N68X 1996, Library Shelving Facility, Medical/Historical, Reference Hist Ref 13 QH26 N68 199
Naturalists' Directory & Almanac: International Marx Library Q145 N3 and QH26 N3 + Oversize, LSF 1940, 1946, 1954, 1961-1972, 1979/1980, 1990
Minds Behind the Brain: a history of the pioneers and their discoveries. 2005 edition online Marx Library QP353 F548 2000 (LC), Medical/Historical, Stacks QP353 F548 2000
Biographical Dictionary of Scientists - Biologists. LSF QH26 B54 1983, Medical/Historical Library Reference Hist Ref 13 QH26 B54 1983
Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists by Ian David and John and Margaret Millar. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2002. 1500 men and women of science from 40 countries from the fields of chemical, physical, biological, earth, and space science with math, medicine, and technology as well. Marx Library Q141 C128X 2002 (LC) Medical/Historical, Stacks Hist Ref 13 Q141 C128 2002
Biographische Enzyklopadie deutschsprachiger Naturwissenschaftler. Edited by Dietrich von Engelhardt. [Biographical Encyclopedia of German-Speaking Natural Scientists]2 volumes, KG Saur Verlag GmbH, c2003. Biographical information on 5000 deceased scientists, from the late Middle Ages to present. Most articles are revisions of those published in Deutsche Biographische Enzyclopadie. LSF Q41 B56 2003 (LC)
BIOSIS Previews or Biological Abstracts database. Biography can be typed as a search term to locate abstracts with biographical content. 1926-
Current Research in Britain - Biological Sciences. Personal name index, specialty and keyword indexes. LSF QH320 G7 +C87
Directory of Scientific Research Institutes in the People's Republic of China by Susan Swannack-Nunn. National Council for US-China Trade, 1977. Volume I agriculture, fisheries, forestry. Includes some names of personnel. LSF Q180 C5 S92+ Oversize
Taxonomic Literature: a selective guide to botanical publications and collections with dates, commentaries and types, From at least 1540-, in 7 volumes + supplements to: Regnum Vegetabile. Dates, nationalities, professions, related bibliographic items including obitary notices and locations of their herbaria, covering botanists and related naturalists and physicians. LSF 7 vols 1976-1988 QK96 R4, Herbarium Collection, Room 359 ESC (non-circulating) QK96 R4 52
Biographical Notes Upon Botanists. From the New York Botanical Garden. 1940s- Marx Library Folio QK26 B37 1965+ Oversize
Biographical Dictionary of Botanists Represented in the Hunt Institute Portrait Collection. 1950s-1970. Gives birth date, death date, specialty, country. Marx Library QK26 H85 1972+ Oversize
Portraits of Old Botanists. Edited by W. Junk, 1926 (Berlin). 25 short biographies and portraits. Marx Library QK26 J8 1926A
Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturists Including Plant Collectors, Flower Painters and Garden Designers. LSF Z5358 G7 B7 1994+ Oversize, British Art Center, Reference Library Z5358 G7 B7 1994 (LC)+ Oversize Dictionary of British and Irish Botanists and Horticulturists Marx Library Z5358 g7 B7 1977
Plant Collectors in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands: a biographical and bibliographical guide to individuals and groups who have collected herbarium material of algae, bryophytes, fungi, lichens, and vascular plants in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands. By Laurence J. Dorr. c1997 LSF QK26 D67 1997
Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature Relating to Vascular Plants. 1971-2007 Each issue contains a Personalia section with references to biographical articles on botanical taxonomists from anywhere in the world and from any point in time. LSF Z5354 C53 K48 (LC) Oversize
Garden Literature: an index to periodical articles and book reviews. Botanists listings in each issue, citing material from professional or well-regarded popular magazines or journals. Obituary notices included. 1992-2001 LSF Z5996 A1 G27 (LC)+ Oversize
The Plant Book. c1997 LSF
Mabberley's Plant-Book: a portable dictionary of plants, their classification and uses. Marx Library QK11 M29X 2008 (LC)
The Names of Plants. 2nd ed., c1989 Marx Library QK96 G54 1989
Hortus Third: a concise dictionary of plants cultivated in the U.S. and Canada. c1976 Marx Library Reference SB45 H67 1976 Marx Library SB45 H67 1976+ Oversize, BASS Library, Reference Ref SB45 H67 (LC)+ Oversize, LSF
Authors of Plant Names: a list of authors of scientific names of plants. c1992 LSF QK11 A87 1992
Index Kewensis. cd-rom Marx Library, Permanent Reserve
International Plant Names Index. A database combining Index Kewensis, the Gray Card Index, and the Australian Plant Names Index. Some information on authors of plant names and collectors may be found, such as source of information, years, areas of interest, name(s) published, references, dates, geographic area.
ASHA Membership Directory 1988-89. American Society for Horticultural Science, c1989. Gives address and fields of research. LSF SB1 H67 Suppl.+ Oversize
Directory of Graduate Research. From American Chemical Society. 1955-2009. Entries give name, phone, address, positions held, e-mail address, list of some publications. Marx Library Reference Z5525 U5 A5 1955-2009 (edition every other year) Earlier editions in Marx Library stacks.
Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists by Ian David and John and Margaret Millar. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2002. 1500 men and women of science from 40 countries from the fields of chemical, physical, biological, earth, and space science with math, medicine, and technology as well. Marx Library Q141 C128X 2002 (LC), Medical/Historical, Stacks Hist Ref 13 Q141 C128 2002
Biographical Dictionary of Scientists - Chemists. LSF QD21 B48 1984
Scientists, Mathematicians, and Inventors: lives and legacies: an encyclopedia of people who changed the world. c1999 Features 25 chemists, some portraits. Kline Science Library Reference Q141 S54X 1999+ Oversize
Directory of Scientific Research Institutes in the People's Republic of China by Susan Swannack-Nunn. National Council for US-China Trade, c1977. Volume II Chemicals, Construction. Includes some names of personnel. LSF Q180 C5 S92+ Oversize
engineering and technology
American Women in Technology: an encyclopedia. Approximately 300 entries either biographical or on an organization. SML T36 Z54X 2000 (LC)
Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists by Ian David and John and Margaret Millar. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2002. 1500 men and women of science from 40 countries from the fields of chemical, physical, biological, earth, and space science with math, medicine, and technology as well. Marx Library Q141 C128X 2002 (LC), Medical/Historical, Stacks Hist Ref 13 Q141 C128 2002
Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology, c1984. LSF Q141 W446+ Oversize, Medical Library, Reference Ref 13 Q141 W446+ Oversize
Who's Who in Technology. Amy L. Unterburger, ed. 6th edition, Gale Research Inc., c1989. Biographical information on 38,000 North American men and women. LSF T39 W568 1989+ Oversize
Directory of Scientific Research Institutes in the People's Republic of China by Susan Swannack-Nunn. National Council for US-China Trade, c1978. Includes some names of personnel. Volume III part I and II electrical and electronics, energy, light industry, machinery, metals and mining, transportation. LSF Q180 C5 S92+ Oversize
American Environmental Leaders: from colonial times to the present. 2 volumes, c2008. Print edition at Marx Library GE55 B43 2008 (LC). 2000 edition also at Marx Library GE55 B43x 2000 (LC)
Outdoor Women Inside the Forest Service, 1971-2018 by Lauren Turner. c2018 at Marx Library location
Biographical Dictionary of Mathematicians. Math Library 4 volumes B52
Index of British Mathematicians, 1701-1800. LSF QA30 W35+ Oversize Part III
Notable Women in Mathematics: a biographical dictionary. SML, Stacks, LC Classification QA28 N68X 1998
Scientists, Mathematicians, and Inventors: lives and legacies: an encyclopedia of people who changed the world. Scientists, Mathematicians, and Inventors. c1999. Includes 32 mathematicians from B.C. times to 20th Century. LSF Q141 S54X 1999+ Oversize
Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists by Ian David and John and Margaret Millar. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2002. 1500 men and women of science from 40 countries from the fields of chemical, physical, biological, earth, and space science with math, medicine, and technology as well. Marx Library Q141 C128X 2002 (LC), Medical/Historical, Stacks Hist Ref 13 Q141 C128 2002
20th Century Microbe Hunters by Robert I. Krasner. Features 10 scientists. c2008. Marx Library QR30 K76X 2008 (LC)
Biographical Dictionary of Scientists - Physicists. LSF QC15 B56 1984
Physicists: epoch and personalities. Marx Library QC15 F4613 2011 (LC)
Edward Bouchet, the First African-American Doctorate. BASS Library Q141 E393 2002, SML, Manuscripts & Archives (non-circulating) Yca 874B6
Inventory of Sources for History of Twentieth-Century Physics, report and microfiche index to 700,000 letters. c1993 SML Microforms (non-circulating)
Directory of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Scientists. National Academy Press, c1986. LSF QC16.2 D57 1986+ Oversize
Cambridge Dictionary of Scientists by Ian David and John and Margaret Millar. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2002. 1500 men and women of science from 40 countries from the fields of chemical, physical, biological, earth, and space science with math, medicine, and technology as well. Marx Library Q141 C128X 2002 (LC), Medical/Historical, Stacks Hist Ref 13 Q141 C128 2002
Directory of Physicists from Developing Countries. 2nd version. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, c1987 LSF QC16.2 D68 1987 + Oversize
Commonwealth of Independent States: 1996-1997 Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff. SI Shkuratov and EF Talantsev. Publishing Company of the Urals Division of the Russian Academy of Sciencesk, 1996. Biographical information on 5151 scientists from 15 states of the former Soviet Union. LSF QC15 S453X 1996+ Oversize
zoology and natural history
Walking With the Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas by Sy Montgomery. Marx Library QL26 M66 2009 (LC)
American Entomologists [late 1700s-1960s]. Lengthy entries, some photos. LSF QL26 M36 1971
Great Naturalists. Edited by Robert Huxley. Marx Library QH26 G73 2007 (LC)
Compendium of the Biographical Literature on Deceased Entomologists by Pamela Gilbert. British Museum (Natural History), c1977 An index to biographical material appearing in periodicals, including notes of portraits. International in scope. LSF Z5856 G55 (LC)
Source Book for Biographical Literature on Entomologists by Pamela Gilbert. Backhuys Publishers, c2007 A continuation of Compendium of the Biographical Literature on Deceased Entomologists. LSF Z5856 G55 2007 (LC)
Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. c2009 Includes a listing, at the back, of 52 brief biographies for those who made an "important and lasting contribution to the study of marine mammals". Marx Library QL713.2 E63 2009 (LC) 2002 Marx Library QL713.2 E63 2002 (LC)
Finders, Keepers - Eight Collectors. c1992 LSF AM231 +P87X 1992, Beinecke Library (non-circulating) WIPA +732, Bass Library, Stacks AM231 P87X 1992 (LC)+ Oversize, British Art Center, Reference Library (non-circulating) AM231 P87 1992 (LC)+ Oversize
"History of ichthyology in the United States and after 1850" by Carl L. Hubbs, Copeia March 26, 1964 no. 1 special anniversary issue. This article includes a number of black and white portraits of the persons discussed. LSF
Copepodologist's Cabinet: a biographical and bibliographical history. c2002 Features a number of lesser-known persons as well as more famous persons, up through the late 1800s. some portraits and signatures. Noteworthy bibliography. SML Stacks, LC Classification AS36 A53 M4 (LC)+ Oversize volume 1 shelved as 240
Women in Ichthyology: an anthology in honor of ET, Ro, and Genie. Reprinted from Environmental Biology of Fishes 41(1-4) 1994 Marx Library QL615 W62X 1994
The Days of a Man, being memoirs of a naturalist, teacher, and minor prophet of democracy by David Starr Jordan. c1992. LSF
Amphibian Species of the World: a taxonomic and geographical reference. c1985 Marx Library QL645 F76 1985 Supplement (Additions and correcctions) c1993 Marx Library QL645 F76 1985 Suppl
Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. c1990 Kline Science Library Reference QL677.4 S54 1990+ Oversize, Ornithology Library (non-circulating) QL677.4 S36 1990 (LC)+ Oversize, LSF for use in Manuscripts and Archives (SML)
Biographies for Birdwatchers: the lives of those commemorated in western palearctic bird names. c1988 Ornithology Library (non-circulating) QH26 M43 1988
Mammal Species of the World: a taxonomic and geographic reference. c2005 Marx Library QL708 M35 2005 c1992 Marx Library QL708 M35 1993, c1982 Marx Library QL708 M35 1982
Membership Directory and Handbook 196-1997. American Fisheries Society. Address, phone, email address for all members on record as of December 31, 1996. LSF SH1 A53 A3
Dictionary of Bird Artists of the World by Christine E. Jackson. Antique Collectors' Club, c1999. All artists included are deceased. LSF N7665 J33 1999 (LC)+ Oversize
More Than Birds: adventurous lives of North American naturalists. Dundurn Press, c2012. SML, stacks, LC classification QH26 S58 2012