1. A Selected List of Books and Articles on Japan (in English, French and German), compiled by Borton, Elisséeff, Lockwood and Pelzel (1954)
2. A Selected List of Books on Japan in Western Languages (1945-60)
(The Toyo Bunko, 1964)
3. Annual Bibliography issue (September) of Journal of Asian Studies (August number of Far Eastern Quarterly before 1955)
4. Japanese Literature in European Languages: A Bibliography, compiled by Japan P.E.N. Club (1961)
5. Japan and Korea. An Annotated Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations in Western Languages, 1877-1969, compiled by Frank J. Shulman (c. 1970)
6. Doctoral Dissertatioins on Japan and Korea, 1969-74, compiled by Frank J. Shulman