Midsummer night's dream: newly printed from the first folio of 1623. London: [Ernest Benn], 1924. PR2751.A1527 1924
Love's labour's lost :newly printed from the folio of 1623. London: [Ernest Benn], 1924. PR2751.A1522 1924
Merchant of Venice: printed from the folio of 1623. London: [Ernest Benn], 1923. PR2751.A1525 1923
Julius Caesar:newly printed from the first folio of 1623. London: [Ernest Benn], 1925. PR2751.A1508 1925
Macbeth: printed from the folio of 1623. London: [Ernest Benn], 1923.PR2751.A1523 1923
King Lear: newly printed from the first folio of 1623. London: [Ernest Benn], 1927. PR2751.A1519 1924
The Tempest. Canton, NY: Caliban Press, 2001. Z232 C16 Z9 S43 2001 (LC) Oversize
Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. East Aurora, NY: Roycroft Shop, 1902. X178R82 +z902s
Venus and Adonis. San Francisco: Arion Press, 1975. PR2845.A2 1975 (LC)+
Charles Brooks. The worst edition of Shakespeare. New York: Marchbanks Press, 1954.Pamfile Z232 M32 Z9 1B76 (LC)+
Deb Rindl. Shakespeare's Rainbow. [England?]: Deb Rindl, 2000. N7433.4.R554S53 2000 (LC)