The Digital Scriptorium is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research.
Provides definitions of book types, key terminologies, common abbreviations, glossary, guides for paper types, bindings, formats, sizes, and bibliographies.
The Conservation Division and the Preservation Research and Testing Division in the Library of Congress have recently concluded two projects that further the continuing efforts to treat artifacts suffering from iron gall ink corrosion. These projects and conclusions are outlined here.
The Traveling Scriptorium is a teaching kit, created by Yale University conservators and curators, to support the study of the medieval and early modern book as material artifact.
This database is a finding aid to the British Library's bookbinding collections. It includes information and images for selected items from the Library's rich collection of fine bindings of books printed in western Europe from the fifteenth century to date. There is also a selection from the valuable bookbindings collections of the Library's partner, the National Library of the Netherlands. The database is a work in progress and its scope will be widened as resources allow.
This database provides access to high resolution images and descriptions of bindings from the rare book and manuscript collections of the Folger Shakespeare Library. Bindings are chosen from the collection for photography and description not only because of their decorative tooled elements but also for their physical features as functional objects and cultural artifacts.
The Language of Bindings Thesaurus (LoB) is a thesaurus of bookbinding terms for book structures dating from the ninth to the nineteenth century. This project has been partially funded by the AHRC. Contributions to the thesaurus have been made by a number of Contributors during 3 workshops.