The following lists of databases can provide you with relevant articles, abstracts, bibliographies and research materials in the field of conservation. Check out Online Resources for additional conservation resources and tools on the worldwide web.
AATA: Abstracts of International Conservation LiteratureA free online database for professionals engaged in the conservation and management of material cultural heritage in all of its forms: works of art, cultural objects, architectural heritage, and archaeological sites and materials. The database includes over 100,000 abstracts from over 150 journals and conference proceedings dating from 1932 to the present. Over 1,000 new abstracts are added to the database each quarter.
BCIN: Conservation Information NetworkAvailable online since 1987, BCIN is a trusted resource for professionals, museums and other heritage organizations. It now contains nearly 200,000 citations, including the first 34 volumes of the Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA), published between 1955 and 1997.
JAIC onlineThe online archive edition of JAIC, the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation Volume 16, 1977 - Volume 44, 2005.
Bibliography of the History of ArtCitations and abstracts of art-related books, conference proceedings and dissertations, exhibition and dealer's catalogs, and articles from more than 2,500 periodicals covering current writing on Western fine arts, history of art and architecture. As of April 1, 2010, the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) will be available free of charge on the Getty Web site.
Anthropological Index OnlineThe Royal Anthropological Institute, a not-for-profit anthropological organization we contribute to through our subscription, developed this Anthropological Index Online which indexes all branches of anthropology and archaeology. All geographical regions are covered, and the library has particularly strong coverage of Eastern and Central Europe, with journals often not available elsewhere. The Index covers articles in all languages, and provides English translations.
Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (Wiley)The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology is a comprehensive reference work on applied chemical science. Articles in this encyclopedia cover methods and materials, as well as the latest scientific advances in a wide range of chemical subject areas.
Science of SynthesisHouben-Weyl online, the Archive of the earlier 1st through 4th edition of Houben-Weyl, is the standard synthetic chemistry methods encyclopedia. It is a reference series for preparative methods in organic chemistry, in which all methods are organized according to the class of compound or functional group to be synthesized. This tool provides a comprehensive and critical selection of reliable organic and organometallic synthetic methods. Methods from journals, books and patent literature from the
Combined Chemical DictionaryThe Chapman &Hall/CRC Combined Chemical Dictionary is a structured database holding information on chemical substances. It includes descriptive and numerical data on chemical, physical and biological properties of compounds; systematic and common names of compounds; literature references; structure diagrams and their associated connection tables.