American Men and Women of Science (formerly American Men of Science). 1906- Gives birth date, birthplace, specialties, positions held, memberships, address. Online editions: 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. Marx Library Q141 A5+ Oversize 1998-2008, LSF 1981-1998, 2006, 2009 Medical Library Reference Collection Ref 13 Q41 A54 2003-2007
Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte (1860s-1940) by JC Poggendorff. Biography, bibliography, persons from math, astronomy, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, geology. Text mostly in German. Provides birthdate, death date, education, employment, publications by and about. Marx Library Z7404 P64 1965 2 volumes
Internationale Personalbibliographie. 1800-1959. By M. Arnin, c1952. An index to entries from 360 publications. Biographical and bibliographical. Ornithologists, botanists, physicians, geologists, mineralogists, chemists, zoologists, meteorologists, mathematicians, physicists, naturalists, entomologists, anthropologists, philosophers, aegyptologists, and others. Some individual publications also included. LSF Z8001 A1 A75 1952, SML, Stacks, LC classification Z8001 A1 A75 (volumes 1-3 1944 volumes 3-5 1978) (LC)+ Oversize, Divinity Library, Trowbridge Reference room Z8001 A1 A72 1952 (LC) volumes 3-5
Biographical Memoirs. From the National Academy of Sciences. 1877-2009 online: 76 (1999). Signed, lengthy and personable accounts, bibliography, photo, autograph. Marx Library v1 (1877) - v91 (2009) Q11 N286 A14, Medical Library, Morse Reading Room (non-circulating) 4 (1902) - 9 (1919), 12 (1929) - 17 (1937), 24 (1948) - 91 (2009), LSF 1-9, 12-38, 57
Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography. 1888-1889 Sterling Memorial Library, Starr Main Reference Room E176 A666 (LC), Beinecke Library Reference (non-circulating) E176 A66 (LC) volumes 1-6, SML, Stacks, LC Classification Cb8 887ae volumes 1-6, Divinity Library, Stack Reference E176 A65 1898 (LC) volumes 1-6
Who's Who in Science and Engineering. 2005-2012 Marx Library Reference Q141 W376+ Oversize, LSF 2008/2009
Current Biography. 1940s-2002 Newsworthy persons. Photo included. LSF volume 1 (1940) - volume 15 (1954)
Scienziati E Tecnologi: Contemporanei. 3 volumes By Roger Adams and Dorothy Hodgkin. Published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, c1974 and McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. (McGraw-Hill Modern Men of Science), c1968. Text in Italian. International coverage of contemporary scientists and technologists born after 1875. Some black and white portraits included. LSF Q141 S35 1974+ Oversize volumes 1-3
Online: Biography Index: past and present. In print: Biography Index: a cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines. 1946- . English-language sources. SML, Starr Main Reference room v1 (1946/1949)-v13(1982/1984), LSF volume 14 (1964) - volume 28 (2004), volume 1 (1946) - volume 13 (1984). Print volumes include profession and occupation index.
Notable Twentieth-Century Scientists. c1995 Supplement c1998. 1250 entries of living and deceased persons, list of works about and works by, index by specialty, photo. LSF Q141 N73X 1995+ Oversize Q141 N73X Suppl + Oversize Main set (4 volumes) and supplement (1 volume)
Distinguished African American Scientists of the 20th Century. 100 persons portrayed, photographs of each. LSF Q141 P535X 1996, Medical/Historical Reference Hist Ref 13 Q141 K455 1996
Dictionary of Scientific Biography. c1970-1990 with supplements. Deceased persons primarily from math, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, history of science, 5000 entries, signed, lengthy, emphasis on career accomplishments, index by specialty. Marx Library Q141 G55+ Oversize volume 1 (1970) - volume 18 (1990), Medical/Historical Library Reference Ref 13 Q141 D52+ Oversize volumes 1-18, LSF Supplement 17, Supplement 18, volumes 1-16
National Faculty Directory. Marx Library 1986 L901 N368 (LC) + Oversize, 2001 Divinity Library, Trowbridge Reference Room L901 N34 (LC), LSF 2010 L901 N368 (LC), SML Stacks, LC Classification L901 N368 (LC) Oversize 1970-2012
Dissertations and Theses Full-Text. Section B for the sciences and engineering started in 1966. Also included European Abstracts for 1976-1988. LSF 1969-2003
Index to Biographical Fragments in Unspecialized Scientific Journals. c1973. Persons active in science before 1920. 7700 persons, specialty, years, place, and refers to information from these journals: American Journal of Science, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Royal Society, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Nature, Popular Science Monthly, Philosophical Magazine, Science. LSF Q141 B29 1973, Geology Library Reference Q141 B37, Medical/Historical Library, Reference Hist Ref 13 ZQ141 B27 1973
Comprehensive Dissertation Index. Provides dissertation title, school, year. 1861-1987 LSF
New York Times Obituaries Index. 1830s-1970s. SML, Microtext CT213 N48 (LC)+ Oversize, Medical/Historical Library Ref 13 CT101 N49 1970+ Oversize 1858-1968, Divinity Library, Stack, Reference 1858-1969 Oversize CT213 N47 (LC), LSF CT213 N48 (LC) + Oversize 1858/1968 volumes 1-2
Index of Obituaries in Boston Newspapers. 1704-1800. SML, Starr Main Reference Room F73.25 C63 (LC) volumes 1-3
Biography Index: Past and Present. An index to biographical material in English-language books and magazines. 1946- Print volumes include a profession and occupation index. LSF 1984-2002, SML, Starr Main Reference Room Z5301 B5 (LC) 1946-1982, 2003-2004
Archives of British Men of Science: a survey of private and institutional holdings of British scientific archives by Roy M MacLeod and James R Friday. 59 microfiche. Information on 2500 British men and women of science who lived and worked approximately 1870-1970. Sterling Memorial Library, Microform (non-circulating) Fiche B916 (Note: Introduction and Index SML, Microtext Desk (non-circulating) Q141 M34 1972
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