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Biographical Resources for the Sciences: Geographically-Specialized Resources

This guide identifies major resources and suggestions for biographical research in the sciences.

Geographically-Specialized Biographical Resources



United States

American National Biography Online. More than 18,700 deceased persons from all times and walks of life. Illustrated.

Marquis Biographies Online - Content is from all Who's Who publications (1985-) and Who Was Who in America (1607-1985). Also includes Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, Who's Who in American Nursing. Living and deceased persons.

Dictionary of American Biography. c1928-1995. Signed, lengthy entries, bibliography, for deceased persons of national (U.S.) fame, features over 18,700 men and women, indexes by occupation, schools attended, birthplaces. LSF 1928-1958, SML, Starr Main Reference Room E176 D5 (LC) 1941-1976, Divinity Library, Trowbridge Reference room 1928-1936 E176 D562 (LC), Beinecke, Reference E176 D5 1961 (LC), Medical/Historical, Reference 1928-1936 Hist Ref 13 E176 D52, Kline Science Library E176 D53 1928-1937, Lewis Walpole Library, Reference 1928-1937 E176 D5, SML, Andrews History Study Room (non-circ) 1928-1937 CE176 D6

American Men and Women of Science (formerly American Men of Science). 1906- Gives birth date, birthplace, specialties, positions held, memberships, address. Online editions: 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. Kline Science Library Reference Q141 A5+ Oversize, Kline Science Library 12 (1971), 13 (1978), 15 (1982), 16 (1986) Q141 A5+ Oversize Engineering Library Reference Q141 A5 (LC), LSF 14th (1995/1996) - 23 (2006), Medical Library Reference Collection Ref 13 Q41 A54

Who Was Who in American History - Science and Technology: a component of Who's Who in American History. c1976 Information as it appeared during the individual's life with some updates. Profession, birthplace, birth date, field, parents' names, positions and education, name(s) of spouse(s), death date, place of burial, hometown. LSF Q141 W43 1976

Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology. 1st edition 1984-1985. 16,500 scientists and technologists working in North America. Fields and subspecialties included: agriculture, astronomy, atmospheric science, biologh, biotechnology, chemistry, computer science, dentistry and odontology, energy science and technology, engineering, environmental science, geoscience, information science, laser, materials science, mathematics, medicine, neuroscience, optics, pharmaceutics, physics, psychology, space science, veterinary medicine. Gives birthdate and place, parents' names, spouse name(s), degrees, education, positions, memberships, research areas, home address. LSF Q141 W446+ Oversize, Medical Library Reference Ref 13 Q141 W446+ Oversize


Great Britain

Life Scientific Explorers. 2018. Interviews of 20 living British scientists, male and female, from a variety of fields. Illustrated. location 

Who's Who of British Scientists 1980-1981. Intended to include scientists in British universities and technical schools, research centers, and in industry. Provides birth date, title and affiliation, degrees, selected publications, professional interests, and address. LSF Q145 W46 1980-1981

Dictionary of National Biography. online: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. For deceased persons of national fame, signed articles, bibliographies. Sterling Memorial Library

Commonwealth Universities Yearbook. Degrees, index by person name.  Names of faculty members for universities of the Commonwealth. SML, Stacks, LC Classification LB2310 C65 (LC)+ Oversize 1948-2008, SML, Starr Main Reference Room latest edition LB2310 C65 (LC)+ Oversize

Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society. 1932-1954. Deceased Fellows of the Royal Society, photo, autograph, bibliographies. Medical/Historical Library, Stacks Coll Biog R78 1932 1(1932) - 9(1954)

Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. Deceased Fellows of the Royal Society of London. Medical Library, Morse Reading Room - lower level (non-circulating) Hist Per 1(1955) - 49(2003), 51(2005D) - 52(2006), 54(2008) - 55(2009)

Archives of British Men of Science: a survey of private and institutional holdings of British scientific archives by Roy M MacLeod and James R Friday. 59 microfiche. Information on 2500 British men and women of science who lived and worked approximately 1870-1970. Sterling Memorial Library, Microform (non-circulating) Fiche B916



Who's Who in Science in Europe. Kline Science Library Reference Q141 W45+ Oversize 1995. Kline Science Library Q141 W45+ Oversize 1967, 1972, 1978, 1984. Sterling Memorial Library, Stacks, LC Classification 1967, 1972, 1989, 1991 Q141 W45+ Oversize, Medical Library Reference Ref 13 Q145 W3 V1A-V3:Z

Prominent Scientists of Continental Europe. c1968. Organized by country. Gives birthdate, degrees, positions held, address, some publications. Members of the National Acdemies and professors at leading universities. Information obtained by questionnaire. Kline Science Library Reference Q141 T867, SML, Stacks, LC Classification Q141 T867


Africa Who's Who. c1991. SML, Starr Main Reference room CT1920 A37 (LC)

Africa Year Book and Who's Who. SML, Stacks, LC Classification 1977 DT1 A2878

Makers of Modern Africa: profiles in history. SML, Starr Main Reference Room DT18 M35 1991

Dictionary of African Biography. SML, Starr Main Reference Room volumes 1-3 DT18 D55 1977+ Oversize, Divinity, Trowbridge Reference room volumes 1-2 DT18 D55 (LC), 1971 LSF, SML, Stacks, LC Classification CT1920 D53 (LC) 1970


Australian Dictionary of Biography. SML, Starr Main Reference Room 1966-2007 DU82 A88

Dictionary of Australian Biography. c1949. SML, Starr Main Reference Room D482 S47 (LC), Divinity Library, Stack Reference DU82 S47 (LC)

Who's Who in Australia. 1902-2009 LSF, SML, Stacks, LC Classification DU82 W45 2010, 2011


Biographie Nationale. volume 1-44. SML, Starr Main Reference Room CT1163 A22 (LC)


Dictionary of Canadian Biography. c2003-2008

Canadian Who's Who. 1910-2010 SML, Stacks, LC Classification F1005 C35 (LC)+ Oversize

Macmillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography. c1978. SML, Starr Main Reference Room F1005 M32 1978 (LC), Divinity Library, Stack Reference F1005 D5 1963 (LC), SML, Stacks, LC Classification F1005 M32 1963 (LC)

Standard Dictionary of Canadian Biography; the Canadian Who Was Who SML, Starr Main Reference Room F1005 s78 (LC) c1934-1938

Who's Who in Canada: an illustrated biographical record of men and women of the time. SML, Stacks, LC Classification F1033 w52 (LC) 1915-2001

Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology. 1st edition 1984-1985. 16,500 scientists and technologists working in North America. Fields and subspecialties included: agriculture, astronomy, atmospheric science, biologh, biotechnology, chemistry, computer science, dentistry and odontology, energy science and technology, engineering, environmental science, geoscience, information science, laser, materials science, mathematics, medicine, neuroscience, optics, pharmaceutics, physics, psychology, space science, veterinary medicine. Gives birthdate and place, parents' names, spouse name(s), degrees, education, positions, memberships, research areas, home address. LSF Q141 W446+ Oversize, Medical Library Reference Ref 13 Q141 W446+ Oversize


Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women 1644-1911. SML, Starr Main Reference Room HQ1767 A3 B56X 1998 (LC)

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women 1912-2000. SML, Starr Main Reference Room HQ1767.5 A3 B565 2003 (LC)

Biographical Dictionary of Republican China. c1967-1979. Divinity Library, Trowbridge Reference Room Ds778 A1 B57 (LC), SML, Starr Main Reference Room DS778 A1 B66+ Oversize

A Chinese Biographical Dictionary. SML, Stacks, LC Classification DS734 G5 c1968, c1898 Divinity Library, Trowbridge Reference Room DS734 G46 (LC), LSF

Who's Who in China. 1978 LSF, 1918-1950 c1982 Divinity Library, Trowbridge Reference Room DS776 W48 1982 (LC), SML, East Asia Library Reference, Room 219 DS776 W48 1982

Who's Who in Communist China. 1966-1969 SML, East Asia Library Reference, Room 219 DS778 A1 W46, SML, Stacks, LC Classification DS778 A1 W46

Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: Antiquity through Sui 1600 B.C.E. - 618 C.E. c2007 SML, Stacks, LC Classification HQ1767.5 A3 B56X 2007 (LC)

Directory of Scientific Research Institutes in the People's Republic of China by Susan Swannack-Nunn. National Council for US-China Trade, c1977-1978. Volume I agriculture, fisheries, forestry, volume II chemicals, construction, volume III parts I and II electrical and electronics, energy, light industry, machinery, including metals and mining, transportation. Includes some personnel names. LSF Q180 C5 S92+ Oversize


Who's Who in France. online 2005- Divinity Library, Trowbridge Reference Room Oversize DC705 A1 W46(LC) 1973-1974, SML, Stacks, LC Classification DC705 A1 W46+ Oversize 1977/1978-2010, 1953/1954

Who's Who in France XXe siecle: dictionnaire biographique des France disparus ayant marque le xxe siecle. Beinecke Library Reference CT1003 W46 2001 (LC)+ Oversize, SML, Starr Main Reference Room CT1003 W46 2001 (LC)+ Oversize


Dictionary of German Biography (DBE Online). SML, Stacks, LC Classification 10 volumes CT759 D48813 2001 (LC) Translation of DBE (Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopadie)

Who's Who in German: Biographisches Kompendium in Deutscher Sprache. SML, Stacks, LC Classification CT1050 W44 (LC) 1999/2000, SML, Starr Main Reference Room CT1050 W44 (LC) 2000/2001

Who's Who in Germany. SML, Stacks, LC Classification DD85 W5 1956-1982/1983, 1988-1996


Dictionary of Indian Biography. c1906 LSF, SML Starr Main Reference Room DS434 B8 c2000 SML, Stacks, LC Classification DS434 D46X 2000


Commonwealth of Independent States: 1996-1997 Directory of Physics and Astronomy Staff. SI Shkuratov and EF Talantsev. Publishing Company of the Urals Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996. Biographical information on 5151 scientists from 15 states of the former Soviet Union. LSF QC15 S453X 1996+ Oversize

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