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Manuscripts and Archives holdings related to Japan: Education


Examples of collections

 Kan’ichi Asakawa papers, 1894-1994 (inclusive), 1894-1955 (bulk). 

MS 40

The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, writings, notes, photographs, and miscellanea documenting the personal life and professional career of Kan’ichi Asakawa, a professor of Japanese history at Yale University and author of several books on Japanese history.


イェール大学所蔵朝河貫一文書の基礎的研究 , complied by Yuki Sato, is another very useful index of the Kan'ichi Asakawa Collection with an introduction in Japanese.   




John Whitney Hall papers, 1930-1999 (inclusive). 

MS 1743 

The papers of John Whitney Hall consist of correspondence and news clippings from his time at Doshisha University, writings, files from the various academic and administrative positions held at the University of Michigan and Yale University, photographs, and files from his work to improve better understandings between the citizens of Japan and the United States. 


Photograph album of the Yale Club of Japan, ca. 1912. 

RU 534

The album, sent to Professor S.E. Baldwin on the occasion of his seventy-seventh birthday in 1917, contains photographs of members of the Yale Club of Japan. 


Arthur Frederick and Mary Clabaugh Wright papers, 1932-1977 (inclusive), 1951-1977 (bulk) 

MS 876

After her marriage in 1940, she lived in Japan and China, initially pursuing her studies toward the Ph.D., but spending more than two years in an internment camp during World War II.  Personal correspondence includes letters written from China and Japan from 1940-1947 by Arthur and Mary Wright. 


Hugh Byas papers, 1928-1941 (inclusive), [microform] 

MS 121

The research files consist of pamphlets, periodicals, newspaper clippings and news bulletins on all aspects of Japanese life which were compiled for lectures at Yale University, 1941-1945, and for use in a book which was never published. The scrapbooks contain clippings of his articles which appeared in The Times (London), The New York Times and The Japan Times and Mail, 1928-1939. 


Hervey DeLoss Leland papers, 1874-1917 (inclusive). 

MS 989

The papers chiefly document Hervey D. Leland's periods of service as a teacher in Japan. The diary (1909) was written while he was teaching English in Iwakuni, Japan. 


Sound recordings of lectures and presentations at the School of Management, Yale University, 1993-1999 (inclusive). 

RU 901

Materials consist of audiotapes document the "Conference on Foreign Direct Investment in Japan" at the Yale School of Management. 


Bernard Bloch papers, 1936-1965.

MS 1129

Japanese Language Programs files contain personnel applications, correspondence, and reports relating to the Japanese language component of the Army Specialized Training Program and the Civil Affairs Training Program at Yale.


United States War Relocation Authority. Poston, Arizona Relocation Center collection, 1942-1945.

MS 803

Scrapbooks, record books, and memorabilia chiefly relating to the educational and library activities at the Relocation Center.


Caroline Farrar Ware papers, 1950-1987.

MS 534

The papers consist of correspondence, background materials, and drafts for The Twentieth Century, by Caroline F. Ware, K. M. Panikkar, and J. M. Romein. The book is volume six of History of Mankind, a work authorized by the UNESCO International Commission for a History of the Scientific and Cultural Development of Mankind.