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Taxonomic Keys: Organizing Your Research

This guide covers resources for helping to identify plants or animals.

Bibliographic Management Tools

  • EndNote
    Software designed to collect and organize research (among other things); compatible with EndNote Web. Yale University has EndNote available to students, faculty, and staff for free. The desktop version (recommended) is a download from the ITS Software Library (look in the Software & Technology tab). 
  • Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research
  • A tool from Thomson Reuters for citation management.
  • RefWorks
    Web-based tool available through the Yale University Library databases; free access to all Yale affiliates; ability to work off-line as well.
  • Zotero
    Free, web-based tool that works as a plug-in within Firefox. Zotero also has a desktop client that works well on all platforms.
    For information on EndNote, EndNote Web, Mendeley, RefWorks, and Zotero, see the library's Citation Management subject guide.



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Profile Photo of Kayleigh Profile Photo of Andy

Kayleigh A. Bohémier
Science and Engineering Librarian
(Other skills: LaTeX/Overleaf, Zotero, metrics)

Andy Shimp
Science and Engineering Librarian
(Other skills: EndNote, patent searching, metrics)