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Choosing a Journal for Publication of an Article: Selected Books and Articles

This guide features information resources useful for identifying major journals in all fields and details about them for those wanting to identify key journals or find publication details for known journal titles.

Selected Books and Articles

Academic Journals and Academic Publishing, ed. G. Svensson, 2006 (online book)

Academic Writing and Publishing: a practical handbook, J. Hartley, 2008 location 

Art of Writing and Publishing in Agricultural Journals, K. Veeranjaneyulu et al., 2008

Biomedical Research: how to plan, publish, and present it, WF Whimster,1997 paper ed. location 

Brill, 325 years of scholarly publishing, S. van der Veen, 2008 location 

By the Numbers: publishing: a statistical guide to the publishing industry, ed. RS Lazich,1998 location 

Celebrating 20 Year of Publishing B2B Research, ed. A Hausman and WJ Johnston, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 21(7) 2006

Century of Science Publishing: a collection of essays, ed. EH Fredriksson, 2001

Chicago Guide to Communicating Science, SL Montgomery, 2003 location  

Cite Right: a quick guide to citation styles - MLA, APA, Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more, C. Lipson, 2nd ed. 2011 location 

Demystifying Scholarly Metrics: A Practical Guide, MW Vinyard, 2022 location 

Handbook of Journal Publishing, Sally Morris et al., 2013 print copy  online copy

Short Guide to Writing About Biology. JA Pechenik. 2013 location  

Student Handbook for Writing in Biology. 4th ed. 2013 location 

Beaubien,Sarah and Max Eckard. 2014. Addressing faculty publishing concerns with open access journal quality indicators. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 2(2):eP1133  


Selected sources on Beall's lists -

Moed, Henk F., Lopez-Illescas, Carmen, Guerrrero-bote, Vincente P., de Moya-Anegon, Felix. 2022. Journals in Beall's list perform as a group less well than other open access journals indexed in Scopus but reveal large differences among publishers. Learned Publishing 34(2):130-139

Buschman, John. 2020. A Political sociology of the Beall's list affair. Library Quarterly 90(3):298-313

Krawczyk, Franciszek and Kulczycki, Emanuel. 2021. How is open access accused of being predatory? The impact of Beall's lists of predatory journals on academic publishing. Journal of Academic Librarianship 47(2):n.pag-n.pag (1p)

Chen, Xiaotian. 2019. Beall's list and Cabell's blacklist: a comparison of two lists of predatory open access journals. Serials Review 5(4):219-226

Somoza-Fernandez, Marta, Rodriguez-Gairin, Josep-Manuel, Urbano, Cristobal. 2016. Presence of alleged predatory journals in bibliographic databases: analysis of Beall's list. El Profesional de la Informacion 25(5):730-737

Yeates, Stuart. 2017. After Beall's 'list of predatory publishers': problems with the list and paths forward. Information Research 22(4):1-6

Kendall, Braham and Linacre, Simon. 2022. Predatory journals: revisiting Beall's research. Publishing Research Quarterly 38(3):530-543




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