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EVST 244 Coastal Environments in a Changing World: Books and Call Number Browsing

This guide highlights information resources for the topic of coastal ecosystems from an environmental perspective.

Books and Call Number Browsing



Library of Congress call number areas (for book browsing)


  • QC 902-903 Climate Change
  • QC 981 Climate Change
  • QH 350s Invasion Ecology, Balance of Nature, Human Impact on Nature
  • QL 85 Invasive Species
  • QL 614-639.8 Fishes  




Selected Books

Coastlines: the story of our shore 2015 location 

Invasive Species: aquatic invaders 2012 location 

Invasion Ecology 2013 paper ed. location 

Balance of Nature and Human Impact 2013 location 

Wildlife Conservation in a Changing Climate 2012 location 

Beach Book: science of the shore 2012 location 

World's Beaches: a global guide to the science of the shoreline 2011 location 

RSPB Handbook of the Seashore 2013 location 

Preventive Methods for Coastal Protection: towards the use of ocean dynamics for pollution control 2013 location 

Climate Change and Island and Coastal Vulnerability 2013 

Trace Metals in Aquatic Systems 2013 paper ed. location 

Common and Scientific Names of Fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico 7th edition American Fisheries Society Special Publication 34 2013 location 

Effects of Climate Change on Aquatic Invasive Species and Implications for Management and Research 2008

Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia (multi-volume set) 2003

Trash Animals; how we live with nature's filthy, feral, invasive, and unwanted species 2013 paper ed. location 

Zooplankton of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts: a guide to their identification and ecology 2012

Investing in Nature: creating jobs and restoring coastal habitats 2012

Guide to Marine Mammals of the World 2002 location  

Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Vol. 1: air, sea and precipitation and water 2013

Reef-Platform Coral Boulders: evidence for high-energy marine inundation events on tropical coastlines 2013

Groundwater in the Coastal Zones of Asia-Pacific 2013

Adapting to Coastal Climate Change: a guidebook for development planners 2009

Effects of Climate Variability on Forest Hydrology and Carbon Sequestration on the Santee Experimental Forest in Coastal South Carolina 2013

Invasive Plant Ecology and Management 2012

National Audubon Society Field Guide to Fishes rev. 2nd ed. 2002 location 

The Diversity of Fishes: biology, evolution, and ecology 2009 location 

Encyclopedia of Ecology 5 volumes 2008 location 


Science Research Support Librarian - Life Sciences

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Rachel Sperling
Marx Science and Social Science Library