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Materials Science Resources: Find Journal Articles

Library resources and services in materials science.

Find Articles in Materials Science

SciFinder Scholar
Comprehensive article database of the chemical and materials literature.

Scopus is multidisciplinary database that covers science, technology, and medicine. Cited references are included from 1970.

Web of Science
Interdisciplinary coverage of major science publications from 1900 to present.

Find Cited References

Citation databases allow you to see how often a paper has been cited and follow connections between related works.

Web of Science
Interdisciplinary coverage of major science publications from 1900 to present.

Interdisciplinary coverage with cited references from 1970 to present.

Google Scholar
Displays cited references for a paper and allows researchers to track citations to publications by creating an account in "My Citations."

Subject Librarian

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Andy Shimp
17 Hillhouse Avenue
Room 110
PO Box 208342
New Haven, CT 06520