Journal, magazine, and newspaper articles can provide some of the most up-to-date information on your topic. Some scholarly journals are "peer reviewed" by other experts before they’re published. Journals are published regularly, like magazines, but most magazine articles tend be be written for a wider public and include writings by art critics and artists, in addition to art historians. Exhibition reviews can be found in journals, magazines, and in newspapers for larger cities.
Many newspapers are available online or in databases subscribed to by Yale. Sterling Memorial Library also has a vast collection of print editions and microforms of newspapers from around the world available in the Periodical Reading Room next to the Music Library in Sterling Memorial Library (SML).
Alt-Press Watch
A full-text database comprised of newspapers, magazines, and journals of the alternative and independent press including The Village Voice, The Advocate (Los Angeles), and the Chicago Reader, which all have contemporary art coverage.
America's Historical Newspapers, 1690-1922 (formerly Early American Newspapers)
This archive of American historical newspapers provides access to full-text, digitized versions of primary source material, Early American Newspapers, Series I, II, III, IV, and V. It includes titles from all 50 present states.
Center for Research Libraries
CRL has a vast collection of newspapers: foreign,
Full-text database of publications that focus on the impact of gender across a broad spectrum of subject areas.
Historical Newspapers Online
Features the index to The Times (London) - based on Palmer's Index to the Times.
Index to 19th Century American Art
The Index to 19th-Century American Art Periodicals indexes art journals published in the US during the nineteenth century, providing nearly complete coverage of journals from this period.
LexisNexis Academic
LexisNexis Academic Universe is a full-text news and information service that provides access to newspapers, magazines, transcripts, business and legal information. Subject indexing takes you to editorials, critical reviews, science, business, sports and other news categories.
Nineteenth Century Masterfile
This index searches across six periodical indexes and seven patent and government indices. Dates of coverage vary with each index.
ProQuest Newspapers
Coverage of national, international, and local news. Includes Boston Globe, Christian Science Monitor, LA Times, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.