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Art Practice Research @ Yale: Graphic Design


Listed below are a variety of library resources, including books, databases, and special collections, that can support the work of graphic designers and scholars.

Books from the Library Catalog

The library owns a wide variety of books related to the field of graphic design. The sample listed below can help provide a starting place for research.

Featured Resource: Library Stack


Library Stack


Library Stack is a library and media archive for digital materials across the art, architecture, design, philosophy, media studies, moving image, sound, and visual culture fields. Items featured on Library Stack are sourced from a variety of publishers, including artists, designers, exhibition platforms and architecture firms. Graphic Design students may be particularly interested in Library Stack's collection of fonts.

Magazines, Journals, and Trade Publications

Logo for Apollo: The International Art Magazine

Artibus et Historiae Logo

The Burlington Magazine Logo

IDEA Magazine Logo

Locating Images

Artstor logo

Arts Library Special Collections

The Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library Special Collections (ALSC) are composed of materials from the former Art+Architecture and Drama Libraries as well as the Arts of the Book Collection. The following resources are some of the most commonly requested collections related to graphic design.

Professional Organizations


ATypI Logo

Additional Resources

Exploring Book Design

Exploring Typography