An online exhibition, like a physical exhibition, usually involves the curated presentation of archival materials. These might include digital images of traditional exhibition objects, such as scans of letters or photographs of paintings, but they might also include digital media, such as sound files or videos.
Online exhibitions can be more flexible than physical exhibitions, as they can bring together objects that might not be loaned to a physical exhibition, display objects that would otherwise not be shown due to conservation concerns or physical constraints, and incorporate elements of interaction and multimedia that are more complicated in a physical exhibition space.
However, online exhibitions also introduce additional rights questions when you're publishing materials on the web, and require web hosting and maintenance.
Key concerns in making online exhibitions include:
This biographical exhibition of Bernard and Mary Berenson, art historians and collectors, includes archival documents and photographs related to their time at Harvard University.
The Chugachmiut Heritage Library and Archive is a digital archive of cultural heritage from Native tribes in the Chugach region built using Mukurtu. Some materials are publicly available, while others are available only to authenticated users.
There are a variety of tools you can use to help you in building online exhibitions. These include:
For help with any stage of a digital humanities project, with any of the methods described here, or with any other questions, feel free to reach out or book a consultation with the DHLab.