An Ecological Theology of Liberation: Salvation and Political Ecology by Daniel P. CastilloWhat is the relationship between salvation, human liberation, and care for creation? Extending the ideas presented in Gustavo Gutierrez's A Theology of Liberation, Daniel Castillo embraces a green liberation theology that recognizes the need for political and ideological paradigm shifts in relation to globalization.
A Political Theology of Nature (Online) by Peter ScottArgues that the modern separation of humanity from nature can be traced to the displacement of the triune God. Locating the source of our current ecological crisis in this separation, Peter Scott argues that it can only be healed within theology, through a revival of a Trinitarian doctrine of creation interacting with political philosophies of ecology.
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor by Leonardo Hoff; Phillip Berryman (Translator)Boff connects the cause of oppressed peoples to Earth health and ecojustice. By utilizing the themes of pantheism, connectedness, and cosmic Christology, he argues that an embrace of the Earth is indeed an embrace of the God of the Abrahamic and Noachic covenants. He also defends an eco-spirituality informed by the liberation movement of the Global South.