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HIST 114J / WGSS 114 Women, Gender, and Work in U.S. History: Primary Source Databases


The Yale Library licenses thousands of databases that may be useful in finding materials on or relating to your biography subject, the time period they lived in, people and organizations with which they were involved, or events in which they were involved. The lists below are selective. Please reach out to one of the librarians listed on the Home tab of this guide if you need assistance finding databases that are potentially relevant for your biography project.

The following books contain primary sources and are recommended by Anne Lessy:

Newspapers and Periodicals

These databases are licensed by the Yale Library for your use and require you to be on the Yale campus or authenticated to the Yale network via CAS or VPN. This guide provides more information about off-campus access to licensed database resources.

A Pitch for Microfilmed Collections

Yale's library holds the second largest collection of microfilm in the U.S. after the Library of Congress. Microfilm was the pre-digitization way that libraries shared their collections, and there are many, many microfilmed archival collections that may be of interest for research projects in this course. Don't hesitate to consult the staff at the Sterling Memorial Library information desk (in the middle of the Nave) if you have questions or would like assistance with microfilmed collections. All of Yale's microfilm is described in Orbis, the library's online catalog, which is also available through Quicksearch. For example:

  • Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance archive, circa 1972-1994. A microfilmed archival collection on 189 reels of microfilm. A guide to the microfilm reels is available through links in the Orbis record. The original collection is held in the Rubenstein Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Duke University.
  • Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) papers, 1959-1976. A microfilmed archival collection on 80 reels of microfilm. A guide to the reels is available in the Microforms Reading Room in Sterling Memorial Library. The original collection is held by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
  • Lesbian Herstory Archives newsletter collection. A microfilmed collection of newsletters from a variety of organizations on 69 reels of microfilm. A physical guide to the reels is available in the Microforms Reading Room in Sterling Memorial Library. The original collection is held in the Lesbian Herstory Archives, Brooklyn, NY.
  • Elizabeth Cady Stanton papers, 1814-1946. A microfilmed archival collection on 5 reels of microfilm. A guide to the microfilm reels is available on reel 1. The original collection is held in the Library of Congress.

Government Information and Legal Resources

These databases are licensed by the Yale Library for your use and require you to be on the Yale campus or authenticated to the Yale network via CAS or VPN. This guide provides more information about off-campus access to licensed database resources.

Freely Available Web Resources/Archives

These resources are recommended by Anne Lessy:

Digital Archives

These databases are licensed by the Yale Library for your use and require you to be on the Yale campus or authenticated to the Yale network via CAS or VPN. This guide provides more information about off-campus access to licensed database resources.