Issue/Change Requested | Requestor | Notes | Status |
Remove maps from holdings display. Maps are not being maintained and some are out of date. | Katie Bauer | Completed July 2013 | Done |
Remove Course Reserves Tab. Functionality to be replaced by Ares, lookup occurs in Classes | Tom Bruno | Completed July 2013 | Done |
Add link to request putting item on reserves | Tom Bruno | Open | |
Add the persistent URL to the information sent in email from an Orbis record. | Anonymous web request | Open | |
It would be helpful if there was a button/link on a book's information page that would return one to the search results that listed the book in the first place. I can't tell you the number of times I have searched for a term, ended up with 50 results, ordered one of them to be delivered, and then I have to either repeat the search or click the "back" button 4 times to get back to the other 49. Other searchable databases usually have this (see Amazon or Ebay, for example). | Anonymous web request | Open | |
Add separate buttons for ILL and Borrow Direct requests. | D2C2 committee/Tom | Completed fall 2014 | Open |
Every now and so often, I spot small typos and errors in transliteration in ORBIS entries. I wonder whether it might be possible to add a button to the catalog that makes it easy for patrons to flag possible problems of this kind, for a cataloger to review and verify. It is not a big issue (the mistakes are rare), but typos can of course make the difference between finding a book and overlooking it. | Fabian Drixler | Open |