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Geographic Information Systems at Yale: GIS Software Installation

Geographic Information Systems at Yale University encompasses a range of spatial applications and services. GIS is used by many disciplines at Yale University.

Yale Esri ArcGIS Installation Guides

This guide is intended to help standardize GIS Software installations on managed and faculty/staff/student computers across campus.  If you have questions or would like to see an application added to the suggested GIS software configuration, please send an e-mail to the Marx Library GIS team at

Lab Managers: The software is already deployed to all public and library computers in the Software Center. This video (no audio) shows the steps. If you have any questions, please send your inquiry to

  • ArcGIS Pro: Keep in mind that ArcGIS Pro does not require a license server, Yale users authorize their access with their Yale ArcGIS Online login.
  • ArcGIS Desktop: As of July 1, 2024, ArcMap licenses and single-use/concurrent licenses were removed from the education site license. Therefore, as of September 1, 2024, Yale computers and users no longer have access to ArcMap.

Yale users with personal computers: 

GIS Software for Mac OS

Before you decide to install a virtual machine on your Mac, please consider using MyApps Yale GIS  instead. It has had great success, and Yale GIS users have provided excellent feedback. 

Installing in your own computer: Before you decide to install a virtual machine on your Mac, please consider using MyApps Yale GIS instead. It has had great success, and Yale GIS users have provided excellent feedback. 

ArcGIS Desktop is not available for Mac OS. However, Esri has published these recommendationsQGIS is an open-source desktop GIS alternative that runs natively on Mac OS, as well as on Linux.

In order to install ArcGIS in a Mac, you need to establish a windows environment. Yale ITS provides student support. To get a rapid and targeted response, identify your local support contact at or attend a walk-in help session at

Running a complex software package in an emulated Windows environment places heavy demands on your computer's memory.  For reliable ArcGIS processing, we recommend using a computer with at least 8 GB of RAM (preferably with an i5 processor and at least 256 GB storage) and allocating 4GB of that to your virtual windows machine.  ITS can help you to determine if your computer meets these specifications and to configure your virtual machine appropriately.  

Once you have windows installed in your Mac, please follow the installation guides provided above on this guide.

Alternatively, web-based mapping can be performed on a Mac environment using Yale ArcGIS Online

MyApps Yale GIS: Remote Access to GIS Desktop

June 01, 2020
The ITS Public Computing group has worked tirelessly, and now Yale students and faculty can access GIS software, via MyApps Yale GIS, including Esri ArcGIS for Desktop (ArcMap), ArcGIS Pro, QGIS, Google Earth Pro, and GeoDa.

  • MyApps Yale GIS is a comprehensive desktop and app virtualization service that provides access to a Windows-based environment containing Yale licensed software from both personal and Yale-owned devices.
  • Access to MyApps Yale GIS service will use multi-factor authentication (MFA) via DUO. 
  • Starting June 01, 2020, the MyApps at Yale Citrix environment is no longer be available. This change does not apply to MyApps at YNHHS.
  • It offers a full Windows 10 desktop. The desktop includes Yale licensed software that is currently available in the Public Clusters (for students) or software specific to departmental needs. 

Note: All students with an active Yale email address are licensed to access the MyApps Yale GIS service via their personal devices.


Will I be able to save personal files on the virtual desktop?
The virtual desktop allows access to software available on the Public Clusters (students), or for specific use by teams or departments at Yale. Personal files should only be saved to a cloud drive, such as OneDrive, or to a network share.

Will I be able to add software to the virtual desktop?
You can customize your view of the virtual desktop, but software downloads/additions are not permitted. If you or your group have a specific need for software on the virtual desktop, please reach out to your professor, proctor, or manager.

Need help?

For additional assistance, please contact the ITS Help Desk at 203-432-9000 or visit our website to view answers to trending questions, search how-to articles, start a chat, or report a problem. You may also contact your local IT support provider.

Public Computer Labs with GIS Software

Yale University offers hundreds of public computers that are located throughout campus and are intended for use by members of the Yale community. These computers have a common software image to provide ample access to academic programs and software needed for classes.

Regarding GIS software, this is not a complete list but includes locations where the GIS software has been installed. You may find one or a combination of the Esri ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap) and ArcGIS Pro, Google Earth Pro, and/or QGIS:



  • Dunham Laboratory, Room 120 | 10 Hillhouse Avenue | Map
  • 17 Hillhouse, Room 07 and room 111 | Map
  • Rosenkranz, Room 01 | 115 Prospect Street | Map




  • Residential Colleges Citrix Computers