The curriculum has been developed by the Yale Infectious Diseases Section of the Department of Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine
The COVID-19 epidemic and recent national events have shed the light on long-standing issues of systemic racism and inequalities within our society and our profession and their effects on health disease. In confronting this reality, there is a need to better understand the historical and systemic factors that contribute to racism, bias, and inequities within healthcare. Physician and other health care workers training programs are important but underutilized places to understand the structural and personal barriers that lead to health inequities and to convert this understanding into improved health care.
This curriculum has the following goals:
1) Establish an educational roadmap for faculty and trainees to enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitudes to address structural and cultural bias and racism.
2) Provide equitable access and care to all our patients and thus improve their health outcomes.
3) Enhance professional development and institutional changes to promote diversity and inclusion.
The guide provides a source of references, books and audio-visual materials and announcements relevant to these goals. The ID2EA curriculum is structured as a roadmap with a series of didactic and experiential educational stops or sessions addressing issues relevant to the stated goals. The web site is divided into specific numbered sections with agenda and material from each of the roadmap stops.
We have published the results of our experiences to date in creating this curriculum:
Gleeson SE, Zapata H, Bathgate ME, Emu B, Frederick J, Friedland G, Golden MP, Meyer JP, Radin J, Sideleau R, Shaw A, Shenoi SV, Trubin PA, Virata M, Barakat LA and Desruisseaux MS. Building an Infectious Disease Diversity, Equity, and Antiracism (ID2EA) Curriculum: A Single Center’s Experience and Reflection. Clin Infect Dis 2023
For additional information and questions regarding web site usage and logistics please contact Alyssa Grimshaw, MSLIS, Clinical Research and Education Librarian. For further questions regarding Web site content information, please contact Infectious Diseases faculty: Drs. Gerald Friedland, Marjie Golden, and Michael Virata