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Yale School of Nursing Library Orientation: Access the collections

Tips and Tricks for getting started with the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library services and resources.

Online Journal Articles

If you have an article title and want to get the full text, try:

If you have a topic and want to find relevant articles:

Assigned Readings

Most professors post your class readings on their course websites in the Canvas Course Reserves tool -- look on the left navigation of the your Canvas course.

The library ensures print books used in classes are either in the YSN Learning Commons, or "on reserve" in the Medical Library:

  • Books in the Learning Commons ARE NOT TO BE REMOVED from the Learning Commons, and used on an honor system.
  • Books in the Medical Library can be borrowed for 4 or 24 hours, depending on popularity. Look for these books in the Reserves stack section (e-level) or at the circulation desk.

Interlibrary Loan and Purchase Requests

You can find and request print books from other libraries through Borrow Direct.

If you can't find the item anywhere, submit an interlibrary loan request (for articles, (e)books, journals, etc).

Is there a title you can't find but we should have in our collection?


Search for ebooks here:

Please note, with ebooks:

  • you may need to set up an account to download the book
  • you might have a time limit for using downloads
  • there might be a limit for how many people can use the book at one time

Print Books

You can visit the stacks in most Yale libraries or request a book be delivered to your address

Troubleshooting Access

Yale ITS (that Information Technology Services) can help with these tools, which you'll need to access library resources on and off campus.

  • NetID and password -- for Yale Secure and VPN login
  • VPN on your computers and tablets
  • Duo two-factor authentication on your phone

Get help from ITS

  • 203-432-9000
  • Visit the walk-in center on the e-level of the medical library