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HSHM 475/HIST 128J: Race and Disease in American Medicine: Home

Guide for Sakena Abedin's seminar, HSHM 475/HIST 128J: Race and Disease in American Medicine

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This guide provides a starting point for researchers inside and outside of Yale to find resources related to the history of race and disease in American medicine.  For any research questions, please email Melissa Grafe using the link in the box on the right.

This guide will:

  • Describe search strategies for finding primary and secondary sources.
  • Provide links to online primary and secondary sources.

General resources

Background sources (or “reference” works) are great places to start. Reference works include scholarly encyclopedias, handbooks, scholarly “companions," and similar sources that contain essays providing background information on a topic and overviews of the relevant scholarship. Citations to the secondary literature will always be included, and often so too will citations to primary sources.  Here are some of these recommended resources:

Oxford Bibliographies

Many annotated bibliographies in a variety of fields, often with citations to both primary and secondary sources.

There are bibliographies related to Health and Medicine in African American studies, and Latinos and Health Policy, including histories of these topics, but be sure to search the whole database too, as you'll also often find relevant articles in other modules.

Oxford Handbooks

A useful collection of many handbooks, each with numerous articles. Browse and search for single chapters or whole books such as The Oxford Handbook of the History of Medicine, and articles such as "Poverty, Health, and Healthcare."

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History

A scholarly encyclopedia that is a great place to start your research. Each article has a "Discussion of the Literature" that usually has many recommendations for secondary and primary sources.

Articles include "Immigration to American Cities 1800-1924 and 1925-2017" and "The American City and Environmental Pollution."

Librarian for Medical History

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Melissa Grafe
John R. Bumstead Librarian for Medical History
Cushing/Whitney Medical Library
Yale University
333 Cedar Street
New Haven, CT 06510