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Comparative Literature Research Guide: Writing & Citation Management

This guide contains the most important research materials at Yale in Comparative Literature.

How do I cite my work?

To get started citing your work and to learn more about using different citation styles, a good place to start is Yale Library's Citation Management Research Guide. The guide will introduce you to formatting citations, picking a citation manager, and help you make sense of specific citation software, e.g. Zotero and Ref Works.

Yale Library also offers multiple workshops related to citation management and using different citation software. To sign up for a workshop, take a look at the Library Workshop Calendar.


MLA Style

Often, literary studies essays are formatted using the MLA style. The Modern Language Association style is explained in the MLA style guide, entitled The MLA HandbookThe most recent edition of this guide, the ninth, features updated chapters on how to cite books, journal articles, interviews, reviews, multimedia, etc. and is available via Yale Library online, as an electronic resource.