EndNote 21 is available from the Yale IT Software Library, and is free to members of the Yale community. EndNote is a commercial citation management software package produced by Clarivate Analytics, the owners of the database Web of Science. It is a commercial program that Yale licenses for the members of its community.
To get the most out of EndNote:
Export citations from a database
Enter citations manually
Open your document:
EndNote Features
EndNote Considerations
For technical troubleshooting, contact EndNote directly.
After graduation, desktop EndNote will remain available on your personal computer. After your Net ID expires, you will no longer be able to use Find Full Text to access Yale resources. You will also not be able to update versions of the software without paying.
For general questions, tips, and assistance, contact your personal librarian!
To find your personal librarian: Yale College, Medicine, or Divinity.
Don't have a Personal Librarian? Reach out to a Subject Specialist Librarian, or contact Ask Yale Library.
This page was updated by Caitlin Meyer on November 19, 2018. Please reach out for corrections or additional information.