EndNote Online is the online counterpart to EndNote on the desktop and can be synced with the desktop version. It is a produced by Clarivate Analytics, the owners of the database Web of Science. It is a commercial program that Yale licenses for the members of its community.
Sign up for an account for EndNote Online.
Enter citations manually
Connect Orbis to EndNote Online
Export citations from a database
Import citations to EndNote Online
1. From the Format drop-down menu and select Bibliography
2. Select either Save, Email, or Preview & Print
EndNote Online Features
Sync your EndNote desktop library with your EndNote Online account. With your EndNote desktop library open, select the "Sync" button. You will be prompted to either create an account or log-in to your preexisting EndNote Online account
References can also be synced to the EndNote iPad app
EndNote Online has two plug-ins: one for capturing references from your browser window and one that links your online library to Microsoft Word
EndNote Online Considerations
EndNote Online can be taken with you, if you leave Yale, as there is a free EndNote Basic version
For technical troubleshooting, contact EndNote directly.
EndNote's Cite While You Write (CWYW) function enables you to insert in-text citations in a Word document while simultaneously creating a bibliography for that document:
To Download Cite While You Write Plug-In:
With your document open, place cursor where the citation should appear
For general questions, tips, and assistance, contact your personal librarian!
To find your personal librarian: Yale College, Medicine, or Divinity.
Don't have a Personal Librarian? Reach out to a Subject Specialist Librarian, or contact Ask Yale Library.
This page was updated by Melissa Funaro on November 3, 2018.