Data management plans (DMPs) are documents that outline how data will be collected, stored, secured, analyzed, disseminated, and preserved over the lifecycle of a research project. They are typically created in the early stages of a project, and they are typically short documents that may evolve over time. Increasingly, they are required by funders and institutions alike, and they are a recommended best practice in research data management.
Tab through this guide to consider each stage of the research data management process, and each correlated section of a data management plan.
The DMPTool allows you to create data management plans from templates based on funder requirements using a quick-and-easy click-through wizard.
DMPTool is a collaborative effort between several universities to streamline the data management planning process.
The DMPTool supports the majority of federal and many non-profit and private funding agencies that require data management plans as part of a grant proposal application. (View the list of supported organizations and corresponding templates.) If the funder you're applying to isn't listed or you just want to create one as good practice, there is an option for a generic plan.
Key features:
Data management plan templates from most major funders
Guided creation of a data management plan with click-throughs and helpful questions and examples
Access to public plans, to review ahead of creating your own
Ability to share plans with collaborators as well as copy and reuse existing plans
How to get started:
Log in with your email to be directed to a NetID sign-in, and review the quick start guide.