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Research Data Management: Store & Secure Data

Research data is loosely defined as information collected, observed, or created for purposes of analysis to produce original research. This guide provides resources for managing your research data no matter the discipline.

What is data storage and security?

Data storage involves where you keep your data during the course of the project, and where you store it for the long-term. Data security involves ensuring your data is protected, particularly if your data is sensitive. Data storage and security are important for managing active data while the project is actively occurring.

Data Storage

All enterprise storage is managed by Yale Information technology Services (ITS).   Yale ITS can provide storage options for active and long term data storage.  Consult the Storage Finder to browse for a solution that best fits your needs. 

Data Security

Yale Information Security provides extensive guidance on evaluating the risk of your data.   The Data Classification Questionnaire can help evaluate your data risk level. 

For guidance on the risk classification of commonly use service at Yale, consult this table

Contact  for guidance on security plans for Data Use Agreements (DUA) and Data Management and Sharing Plans for grant proposals.