Yale University Library supports many open access initiatives through membership fees. These include preprint servers like the arXiv and medRxiv, Knowledge Unlatched, the Biodiversity Heritage Library, Reveal Digital, the Technical Report Archive & Image Library, and the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics. Read more about our open access initiative support here.
Are you about to publish? Yale Library has agreements with some publishers that provide discounts when you publish with them. For PLOS and Cambridge University Press, the article processing charges to publish open access are completely waived. To learn more about your options and the details of our agreements, visit the library's guide to open access publishing support.
Some of our databases have filters that allow you to see what is being published open access, including the Web of Science and Scopus. If you want to see what Yale authors have published under open access licenses, for example, do a search on Yale University using the Institution/Affiliation filter, then narrow down to open access in the results.
For Graduate Students: When you start in a science program at Yale, you will often be called upon by your adviser to look up dissertations from past members of your lab or specific individuals in your field, and later on, you will look to these same dissertations when you have questions about how to construct your research narrative and format it. This tab will show you some of the options you have for locating dissertations. At the bottom of the tab, there is a list of al of the places where you may find dissertations.
The primary digital database for dissertations is called ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global. There are two ways to access that:
On both platforms, you have the opportunity to do an advanced search. Useful fields to search include Adviser and Institution. Below is an example of a search on the Web of Science platform while you are in the Dissertations & Theses collection.
Quicksearch, the library's discovery tool, will display dissertations among the item types available when you search on the main library website. This is actually searching the Dissertations filter in our Articles+ interface, which shows what we have in (roughly) 80% of our licensed digital products. Most of the dissertation search results are also from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Below is the promised list of dissertation sources that you are welcome to look at.
In Quicksearch, you can search for general topics and narrow down to specific subjects using the facets to the left of your search results. This can limit resources to specific date ranges, languages, locations, online/offline, dissertations, and so on. Searching for "The Vegetation of Antarctica through Geological time" (note: capitalization isn't meaningful) with quotation marks because it's a specific book title on library.yale.edu will push you to a generic landing page where you can pathfind your way to what you want. I've circled the things in the screenshot below that will take you through to the catalog. As in the screenshot below, there is sometimes some generosity if you don't completely mimic the book title.
Please note that Books+ and Books are different, though. Books+ takes you to everything in the catalog (the + sign is doing a lot of work here!), but Books will take you to the catalog with the content type filter set to Books.
On a record, you can also click on the subject terms assigned to a book relevant to your research. This will help you with digital serendipity by calling up books from across YUL that have those same subject tags.
Clicking on the subject terms will show you the subject terms in the hierarchy as shown. If we want to see what is about these subjects in general, regardless of where something like "Devonian" may appear, we can search for the subject term Devonian as a subject term using the subject search in either the main search box (using the drop-down menu) or in the advanced search.
In the old search interface, Orbis, you have a really interesting option that might be helpful to you. Library of Congress call numbers, which appear in either the catalog record or on the print spine (e.g., QK980 C35X 2012), can be searched. These call numbers are based on book topics, and you can locate other materials related to the book of interest to you with this search feature.
Here, I'm searching for QK980, which will show me — in alphabetical order — everything with that subject.
While a lot of papers appear in Google Scholar, the Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) is the best place to go if you want to:
If you want metrics about social impact, Scopus is actually better — if an article has been shared frequently on social media, Scopus will have a page devoted to that. It also disambiguates authors via its author search (but for common names, it can get difficult and inaccurate).
The Journal Citation Reports (by Clarivate Analytics) will help you determine the performance of your journal articles — and find places where you can submit new papers. Disciplines are often one of the categories. (If this tells you we don't have access, just refresh the page.)
ORCID provides you with a unique identifier — an Open Researcher and Contributor ID — and a mechanism for linking your research outputs and activities to your ORCID. Yale is an ORCID member.
ORCID is integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services. Some publishers now require an ORCID for the primary (or all) co-authors when submitting a paper.
In addition, if you have a common name or plan to change your name in the future, ORCID can help others find your older papers.
Watch Why ORCID? to learn more: https://vimeo.com/237730655
Go to https://orcid.org/signin. Click Institutional Account and type in Yale University. From here, you can log in with your Yale credentials. If you don’t already have an account, ORCID will guide you through the three-minute account creation process.
Learn more about ORCID at https://orcid.org/help or in the Yale Library ORCID guide at https://guides.library.yale.edu/orcid