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Engineering Reference Resources: Company Information

Guide to references sources for engineering research.

About Company Information

Public companies have shares of stock that are traded on exchanges like the NYSE or NASDAQ. In the US, these companies are regulated by the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and are legally required to file and disclose information that details their financial performance and governance structure, including the 10-K.  Because of these requirements, information on public companies tends to be easier to find.

Tip: knowing the ticker or stock symbol of company can make your research easier. Find ticker symbols here. 

Private companies do not have shares that are traded on a stock market and typically are not required to disclose their financial performance or other information. Because of this, finding information on these companies can be a challenge. Researching private companies often means you will have to use multiple resources. 

Company research is best conducted with multiple sources.  The resources listed on this page can be used for a variety of research purposes. Contact the Business and Management Librarians if you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for.

Company Information Sources

Find company profiles, financials, SEC Filings, analyst reports, industry research, news and more with these multi-tasking resources:

Annual Reports, SEC Filings, & Other Financial Information

For historic annual reports, visit the Business History Research Guide

Also try:

Private and VC-Backed Company Information

Locating information on Private Companies can be difficult - especially financial information. The following databases may have some information. Tip: check multiple source to determine of the figures are accurate. 

News on private companies can be an excellent source of information. Try Factiva.

Analyst & Equity Research Reports

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