These are some selected resources for audio-visual materials related to coeducation. Please note that not all of these materials have been digitized. In many cases you will have to consult with Manuscripts & Archives staff to see if it is possible to view or listen to these materials. If a certain item (especially audio recordings and films) has not been digitized and you wish to access it, per Yale Manuscripts & Archives policy, you may be asked to cover the cost of having the item digitized.
This collection consists of sound recordings and edited transcripts of oral history interviews conducted by Florence Minnis with women faculty, administrators, and staff affiliated with Yale University. The edited transcripts, produced for readability, do not closely match the audiorecordings.
Recordings relevant to coeducation include:
-Acc. 2012-A-056: Elga Wasserman (2007): Arguably the single most important figure in the history of coeducation at Yale, Dr. Wasserman served as Special Assistant to President Brewster on the education of women, then as Chair of the Committee on Coeducation and head of the Office on the Education of Women.
-Acc. 2012-A-042 (2009): Connie Gersick: Ms. Gersick served first as secretary to Elga Wasserman, then as the last Director of the Office on the Education of Women at Yale (from 1975 to 1977).
-Acc. 2012-A-046 (2008): Margaret “Maggie” Mahar: Dr. Mahar was an early woman student at Yale College, earned a Ph.D. at Yale, and was an instructor in the English department.
These materials consist of audio recordings and transcripts of oral histories conducted by New Haven Oral History Project staff with New Haven, Connecticut citizens.
Recordings relevant to coeducation include:
-Acc. 2008-A-001: Elga Wasserman (2004): Arguably the single most important figure in the history of coeducation at Yale, Dr. Wasserman served as Special Assistant to President Brewster on the education of women, then as Chair of the Committee on Coeducation and head of the Office on the Education of Women.
-Acc. 2008-A-001: Constance Royster (2005): Royster, an attorney, was raised in New Haven and was a member of one of the first three co-ed classes at Yale College.
This collection contains materials related to commemorative events for Yale University's 300th anniversary, in 2001.
Recordings relevant to coeducation include:
-Accn. 2002-A-093, Box 5, folder 247: A Hero for Daisy (c.1995-2001): Materials related to the film A Hero for Daisy, which chronicles the actions of Yale College alumnus and two-time Olympian Chris Ernst. While a member of the Yale women's rowing team, Ernst led her teammates in a dramatic protest against inequality in women's athletics at Yale.
This collection consists of various motion picture and audio recordings documenting Yale University and New Haven.
Recordings relevant to coeducation include:
-Acc. 2001-A-103: Box 41 (1970): Film reel of documentary "The Year They Liberated Yale"
-Acc. 2012-A-009: Boxes 131 and 132 (1961): Audio recording of Smith College president Thomas C. Mendenhall speaking "On the Education of Women" at Yale
-Acc. 2012-A-009: Box 222 (1964): Audio recording of educator Homer Babbidge's talk at Yale on coeducation, 1964
The materials consist of 16mm motion picture film and soundtracks used in the production of To Be A Man, a Yale admissions film, directed by Murray Lerner.
This collection consists of research papers and essays by Yale students. Included are many prize-winning essays.
Materials relevant to coeducation incldue:
-Acc. 19ND-A-381: Box 24 (1990): VHS tape of a student-made film, “Boola Boola...Yale Goes Coed,” by Yale College senior Julie Pimsleur, from 1990
Kingman Brewster, Jr. served as president of Yale University from 1963 to 1977 and oversaw the transition to coeducation at Yale.
Recordings relevant to coeducation include:
-Series I, Box 6 (1968): Audio recording of a presentation by President Kingman Brewster to Trumbull College students regarding proposed plan to house incoming freshmen woman in Trumbull College, November 14, 1968.
The materials consist of video recordings, notes, statements, motion picture film, stock film, sound tracks, and magnetic tapes used in Office of Public Affairs (formerly Public Information) productions documenting Yale.
Recordings relevant to coeducation include:
-Acc. 1980-A-001: Box 37 (1969): Film reel about coeducation and graduation from 1969
-Acc. 2009-A-156: Box 395 (undated, c. 1970): Video recording related to coeducation and anti-war protests at Yale from 1970
-Acc. 2009-A-156: Box 390 (undated): Film, "We Dared to Win: 25 years of Women's Ivy League Championship," undated
This collection contains materials related to the May 1, 1970 May Day Rally in New Haven.
Recordings relevant to coeducation include:
-Accn. 2017-A-041: Box 2 (1970-1975): Two reels of film entitled "Skywriter" and "Black Panthers". Neither film contains sound.