Marie Borroff, English Professor
YCAL MSS 177, Series I, Box 1 (correspondence with Sister Mary Bernetta)
Guide to the Sister Mary Bernetta Quinn Papers
Alice Elizabeth (Betsy) Chase, art history professor, first woman appointed to teach
undergraduates in 1943 (became assistant professor in 1946)
RU 9, Series 1, Box 1, fol 8 (Coeducation in Helen Hadley Hall)
Guide to Fellowship of Helen Hadley Hall, Yale University, records
Joan Forsberg, Dean at Divinity School
RU 772, Accn. 19NDA-491, Box 1
Guide to Guide to the Divinity School, Yale University, Photographs and Memorabilia
Box summary: The records consist of photographs of individuals affiliated with Yale.
Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
Folder 5: Forsberg, Joan (1953 Feb)
Negatives of Joan Forsberg Dean, Divinity School
See also:
RG 53, Series V, boxes 1, 75, 86 (videos); Series 6, boxes 2-3
Guide to the Yale University Divinity School Memorabilia Collection
RU 1051, Oral Histories Documenting Yale Women, Accession 2012-A-041
Guide to the Oral Histories Documenting Yale University Women
Bessie Lee Gambrill, Yale Professor of Education and first woman to be given tenure in a school other than Nursing
RU 237, Accn. 1995-A-033, Box 3
Guide to the Biographical Information on Yale University Affiliated Individuals
Box summary: The records consist of Biographical information on Yale University faculty circa 1938-1990
Folder summaries:
Folder 149: Gambrill, Bessie (n.d.)
Biographical information about Bessie Lee Gambrill, Yale professor of education and first woman to be given tenure in a school other than Nursing. Includes details of her life in press releases, and press-related material.
RU 271, Accn. 1961-A-001, Box 67
Guide to the Department of Education, Yale University, Records
Box summary: The records consist of administrative files, correspondence, catalogs, minutes, graduate student files, curricula, and printed material documenting the activities and operations of the Yale Department of Education. Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
Folder 67, folder 461: Gambrill, Bessie Lee (various dates: 1936-1952)
Correspondence to and from and about Bessie Lee Gambrill, Yale professor of education and first woman to be given tenure in a school other than Nursing
Annie Goodrich, first Dean of the School of Nursing
Guide to Goodrich (Annie Warburton) Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders related to Annie Warburton (Goodrich) first dean of Yale Nursing: 1923-1934. Folders are numbered
Folder summaries:
Folders 1-12:
The folders contain addresses given by Annie Goodrich during her time as Dean of Yale School of Nursing and are ordered chronologically as follows:
(1)1915-1925 (2) 1926 (3) 1927 (4) 1928 (5) 1929 (6) 1930 (7) 1931 (8) 1932 (9) 1933 (10) 1934 (11) 1935-36
Guide to Goodrich (Annie Warburton) Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders related to Annie Warburton (Goodrich) first dean of Yale Nursing
Folders are numbered
Folder summaries:
Folder 106:
The folder contains a book written by Esther W Werminghaus, Annie W Goodrich – Her Journey to Yale (1950) – note its is dated 1939 on the folder but 1950 in the book
Guide to Goodrich (Annie Warburton) Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders of photographs and memorabilia related to Annie Goodrich’s career as Dean of Yale School of Nursing and related pictures of Yale Nursing
Folders are numbered
Folder summaries:
Folders 208:
The folder contains photographs and prints of Annie W Goodrich at Yale
See also:
Guide to the School of Nursing, Yale University, Records
Guide to the School of Nursing, Yale University, Historical Collection
Anne Coffin Hanson, Art History Professor and first woman at Yale to be named chair of an academic department
RU 237, Accn. 2010-A-009, Box 2
Guide to Bibliographic Information on Yale University Affiliated Individuals
Box summary: Box contains bibliographic material of people affiliated with Yale University. Folders named but not numbered
Folder summaries:
Folder 46: Anne Coffin Hanson
Articles, press release, CVs related to Anne Coffin Hanson, art history professor and first woman at Yale to be named chair of an academic department
See also:
Department of Art History records, especially
RU 796, Accession 2009-A-049, Box 1
Guide to the Department of the History of Art, Yale University, Records
Guide to the Office of Public Affairs, Yale University, Photographs of Individuals
Department of Manuscripts and Archives in conjunction with the Yale Women Oral History Project
Guide to the Department of Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University, Administrative Records
Dorritt Hoffleit, Senior Astronomy Researcher
Dorothy Horstmann, first woman appointed full professor in the School of Medicine (in 1961) and first woman to hold an endowed chair at Yale
Dorothy Millicent Horstmann Papers
Box summary: Box contains personal material related to Dorothy Hortsmann’s career including tributes, honors, memorabilia, and bibliographical material. Horstamnn was first woman promoted to full professor in the School of Medicine, 1961, and endowed chair, 1969
Folder summaries:
Folder 4: Biographical Information, 1941-1994
Folder includes letters of recommendation, cv, work histories, longer biographies.
Folder 5: Clippings, 1952-1970
Large collection of press clippings with photos of the career of Horstmann.
Folder 6: Congratulations on appointment to full professorship, 1961
Personal correspondence and press coverage in relation to Horstmann’s appointment to full professor.
Folder 7: Congratulations for Endowed Chair, 1969
The folder contains formal press announcement, letter from department, and letters of congratulations from colleagues and friends for endowed chair position
Guide to Dorothy Horstmann Papers
Box summary: Box contains portraits of Dr Hortsmann and details of faculty/colleagues
Folders are numbered
Folder summaries:
Folder 1: 1940, 1946, 1960.
Includes portraits and negatives of Dorothy Horstmann
Faith Hubley, film animator and instructor at Yale Media Center
RU 237, Accn. 2011-A-023, Box 1
Guide to the Biographical Information on Yale University Affiliated Individuals
Box summary: Letters and correspondence and press in relation to biographical information of people affiliated with Yale
Folder summaries:
Folders 55: Faith Hubley
Press commentary about the career of filmmaker Faith Hubley, art and architecture professor at Yale
See also:
RU 291, Accession 1980-A-001, Boxes 4, 9-10 (films by Hubley)
Guide to the School of Art, Yale University
RU 760, Accession 1990-A-068, Boxes 4, 9, 11, 27
Guide to the Yale University Films Records
RU 237, Accession 2011-A-023, Box 1, Folder 55 (biographical info)
Guide to the Biographical Information on Yale University Affiliated Individuals
Edith Banfield Jackson, Early medical researcher and Professor of Pediatrics and Psychology at Yale School of Medicine
Guide to the Edith Banfield Jackson Papers
Box summary: Boxes contains folders related to Edith Banfield Jackson, early medical research and professor of pediatrics and psychology at Yale School of Medicine. Much of the material relates to maternity and child care issues.
Folders are not numbered
Folder summaries:
Box1B: Scrapbooks with clippings, programs, and letters, 1946-48
Articles in popular press written by, or about, Edith Jackson. Also includes letters to and from Dr Jackson and internal memos at Yale
Box1C: Scrapbooks with clippings, programs, and letters, 1949-51
Articles in popular press written by, or about, Edith Jackson. Also includes letters to and from Dr Jackson
Box1D: Scrapbooks with clippings, programs, and letters, 1951-53
Articles in popular press written by, or about, Edith Jackson. Also includes letters to and from Dr Jackson and internal memos at Yale and published material on maternity and child care issues
Box 2: Scrapbooks with clippings, programs, and letters, 1954-59
Articles in popular press written by, or about, Edith Jackson. Also includes letters to and from Dr Jackson and internal memos at Yale and published material on maternity and child care issues
Rosabeth Kanter, Sociology Professor
RU237, Accn. 1991-A-038, Box 2
Guide to Biographical Information on Yale University Affiliated Individuals
Box summary: Box contains folders related to biographies, vitae, photographs and related materials documenting the careers of members of the Yale community.
Folders are numbered
Folder summaries:
Folder 208: Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Folders relate to Rosabeth Moss Kanter, sociology professor at Yale. Includes biographical material, resume, press announcement move to Harvard Business School (20 Dec 1985), newspaper articles which include photographs of Kanter
Folder 209: Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Similar material, in particular resume, various biographies, and press articles about Kanter and her research agenda, and press release photos
RU 686, YRG: 48-A, Series 2, Box 95
Guide to the Office of Public Affairs, Yale University, Photographs of Individuals
Box summary: Box contains photographs of people affiliated with Yale
Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
Folder 269: Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Photo of Rosabeth Kanter, Sociology Professor at Yale. No date
See also:
Scattered material in Office of Public Affairs (RU 686), box 95, fol 269
Guide to the Office of Public Affairs, Yale University, Photographs of Individuals
Ruth B. Marcus, Philosophy Professor who also earned her Ph.D. at Yale (1946)
MS 1993, Ruth Barcan Marcus papers, Series II, Boxes 16-17
Guide to the Ruth Barcan Marcus Papers
Ellen Ash Peters, first woman appointed full professor in the Law School (in 1964)
RU 19, Box 58, Folder 388 (Press Release: Yale and the Female)
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Catherine Prelinger, Historian and editor of Benjamin Franklin papers; the Coordinating Council for Women in History has an award named for her for nontraditional scholars
Sophia Simmonds, Biochemistry Researcher at Yale
MS 1396, Accession 2008-M-012, Box 2 (correspondence with her husband, Joseph Fruton)
Guide to the Joseph Stewart Fruton Papers
Mary C. Wright, history professor, first woman at Yale to be awarded tenure (in 1959, full professor 1964)
MS 876, Accn. 2008-M-047, Box 2
Guide to the Arthur Frederick and Mary Clabaugh Wright Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders related to original correspondence and photocopies; genealogical research and family documents; newspaper clippings; writings; and photographs relating primarily to Arthur Frederick Wright and Mary Clabaugh Wright, as well as their respective families and associates. Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
Folder 10: Correspondence between Mary Wright and Father , 1959-60
Letter from father to Mary Wright congratulating Mary on her promotion to tenure in the History Department. Mary Wright was the first woman tenured at Yale and became a full professor in 1964
MS 876, Accn. 2008-M-047, Box 5
Guide to the Arthur Frederick and Mary Clabaugh Wright Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders related to original correspondence and photocopies; genealogical research and family documents; newspaper clippings; writings; and photographs relating primarily to Arthur Frederick Wright and Mary Clabaugh Wright, as well as their respective families and associates. Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
Folder 8:
Folder includes Vol. 11: Mary Clabaugh Wright, The Family Years, 1954-1970, Vol. 12: Arthur Frederick Wright, The Family Years, 1954-1976, and Vol. 13: Various Documents, 1962-1986 (bound together) which includes discussion about Arthur Wright and Mary Wright’s move from Stanford to Yale
See also:
MS 876, Series I, Box 6-7, Accession 2008-M-047, Box 1-7 (correspondence)
Guide to the Arthur Frederick and Mary Clabaugh Wright Papers
Margaret Bailey, 1922 Ph.D.
Guide to the John Maudgridge Snowden Allison Papers
Box summary: Box contains correspondence between John Maudgridge Snowden Allison, author and professor of history at Yale University.
Folder summaries:
Folder 2: Correspondence with Margaret Bailey (Laughlin) Allison Marshall [still in envelopes--re: school, travel, WWI]
Correspondence between John Allison and Margarte Bailey Yale PhD 1922
Guide to the Natural Science Manuscripts Collection
Box summary: Box contains various correspondence related to natural scientists affiliated with Yale.
Folder summaries:
Folder 28: Bailey, Margaret Emerson (1886-1949) to Mrs. Jacob Whitman Bailey
Letter from Margaret Bailey PhD to mother (n.d.) and also includes obituary cut out in the New York Times
Ruth Landau Benedict, graduate of School of Nursing (1948) and founding board member of Association of Yale Alumni (not to be confused with famous anthropologist Ruth Benedict)
Jane Matilda Bolin, first black woman to graduate from Yale Law School and first black female judge in the U.S. (Beinecke)
Correspondence with others can be found in the James Weldon Johnson Files (Guide to the James Weldon Johnson Collection Files)
Earl Christie, graduate of Yale Divinity School in 1934 (one of first two graduates)
RU 913, student records of the Yale Divinity School (restricted)
Guide to the Divinity School, Yale University, Student Records
Mrs Peter B Cooper, professional studies in Forestry
RU 19, Box 58, Folder 388 (Press Release: Yale and the Female)
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Peter (B) Cooper Papers (MS 1649)
Guide to the Peter B. Cooper Papers
Otelia Cromwell, Ph.D. (English) 1926, first African American woman to receive a Yale Degree
Three Publications in Orbis:
Lucretia Mott (1958);
Readings from negro authors : for schools and colleges, with a bibliography of negro literature (1931);
Thomas Heywood; a study in the Elizabethan drama of everyday life (1928)
See also:
Cromwell, Adelaide (2007). Unveiled Voices, Unvarnished Memories: The Cromwell Family in Slavery and Segregation, 1692–1972. Columbia: University of Missouri
Hester Eisenstein, Ph.D. 1951
RU 86, Accession 1983-A-108, Box 1
Guide to the May Day Rally and Yale Collection
Box summary: Box contains Interviews of people involved in the 1970 May Day Strike
Folder summaries:
Folder 5: Correspondence with Margaret Bailey (Laughlin) Allison Marshall [still in envelopes--re: school, travel, WWI]
Interview with Hester Eisenstein PhD 1951 by Joel Krieger about the May Day Strike
See also:
RU 1051, Accession 2012-A-039, Oral Histories of Yale University Women
Guide to the Oral Histories Documenting Yale University Women
Louise Whitman Farnum, first woman to receive an MD from Yale School of Medicine in 1920, later worked on Yale-China program in Changsha, China and was an instructor at the School of Medicine
MS 203, Accn. 2004-M-028, Box 29
Guide to Farnam Family Papers
Box summary: Box contains family photos of the Farnam Family, prominent New Haven family affiliated with Yale. Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
Folder 327: Photographs of Louise Farnam Wilson, 1923,1931-1932, n.d.
Includes portraits and pictures of Louise Farnam
Matilda Fenberg, first “official” graduate of Law School in 1919
Lucinda Foote, first woman to apply for admission to Yale
Helen Robinson Gage, first woman to receive a Doctorate of Public Health from Yale in 1923
“Foundation and development of the Connecticut State Board of Health : an historical study”, her Ph.D. dissertation, no call number.
Florence Gaines, graduate of Yale Divinity School in 1934 (one of first two graduates)
RU 913, student records of the Yale Divinity School
Guide to the Divinity School, Yale University, Student Records
Alice Ruffie Jordan, first graduate of Yale Law School in 1886 (Jordan was able to enroll by pointing out that the admissions requirements did not explicitly bar women, but after her women were officially barred for more than 20 years)
Women at Yale Law extract in RU 19, Box 58, Folder 387
Press Release: Yale and the Female - RU 19, Box 58, Folder 388
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Josephine Miles Lewis, recipient of first Yale BFA in 1891
RU 19, Box 58, Folder 388 (Press Release: Yale and the Female)
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Virginia Brisac Moore, first woman to receive a bachelor’s degree in music from Yale in 1894
RU 19, Box 58, Folder 388 (Press Release: Yale and the Female)
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Margaretta Palmer, among the first seven women to receive PhDs at Yale and later astronomy researcher at Yale
“General catalog of stellar paralaxes” QB813 S35+ Oversize (Orbis)
“Determination of the orbit of the comet 1847 VI”, Qoy 035 1
RU 19, Box 58, Folder 388 (Press Release: Yale and the Female)
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Mardette Perkins, School of Drama 1948
YCAL MSS 782 (20 boxes, incl. Correspondence, diaries, video, etc) (Beinecke)
Guide to the Mardette Perkins Papers
Barbara Scott Preiskel, prominent entertainment lawyer and second black woman to graduate from Yale Law School
Helen May Scoville, graduate of Yale School of Medicine in 1920 and later instructor at the school
(Med School Library), study authored by Scoville (Orbis)
Diana Starr, Graduate of Vassar, first woman admitted to Yale School of Forestry in 1966 (left to marry in 1968)
RU 19, Box 58, Folder 388 (Press Release: Yale and the Female)
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Jane Addams, first honorary degree in 1910
Katherine C. Angell, wife of Yale president James Rowland Angell
Material in James Rowland Angell personal papers, MS 2
Guide to the James Rowland Angell Personal Papers
Roberta Blanshard, daughter of Yale professor (Robert M. Yerkes) and wife of philosophy professor Bland Blanshard, worked at Yale University Press
MS 1566, Roberta Yerkes Blanshard Papers
Guide to the Roberta Yerkes Blanshard Papers
Anabel Cahn and Phoebe Herbert, Center for Independent Study (organization founded in 1977 in New Haven by five women married to Yale faculty, to provide resources for independent scholars; the organization was disbanded in 2007.
Center for Independent Study is covered in RU 578, Accession 1988-A-009, Box 2
Guide to the Yale College Records Concerning the Education of Women
Anne Eaton, grandmother of Elihu Yale (supposedly Anne’s “excommunication” from the Puritan community in New Haven and the family’s subsequent return to England helped pave the way for Elihu Yale to come into his eventual fortune)
Mabel Garvan, wife of famous art history professor Francis Garvey and donor to Yale University Art Gallery
James Rowland Angell, President of Yale University, Records
Box summary: Letters and correspondence in relation to the Mabel Brady Garvan Collection. Mabel Garvan was the wife of famous art history professor Francis Garvey and donor to Yale University Art Gallery
Folder summaries:
Folders 880-884: Garvan, Mabel Brady; Garvan, Francis P., Whitney Collections of Sporting Art; Garvan, Mabel Brady Collection; Garvan, Mabel Brady Collection of American Gold Coins
Includes correspondence in relation to Mabel Garvan collection such as new acquisitions
Mary Griswold, Connecticut state legislator and wife of Yale president A. Whitney Griswold
MS 255, Accn. 1996-M-105, Box 1
Guide to Griswold (Alfred Whitney) Personal Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders related to drafts of Mary Griswold, autobiography (3 folders: 1990)
Folder summaries:
Folders 1- 3:
The folders contain drafts of Mary Griswold’s autobiography (Ch III-V) which includes her experiences in the Yale community. Griswold was a Connecticut state legislator and wife of Yale president A. Whitney Griswold
Joni E. Barnett, appointed Athletic Director for Physical Education and Recreation in 1973
RU 686, YRG: 48-A, Series 1, Box 4
Guide to the Office of Public Affairs, Yale University, Photographs of Individuals
Box summary: Box contains photographs of people affiliated with Yale
Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
B 4F 146: Barnett, Joni E
Photos and negatives of Joni E Barnett, Director of Physical Education at Yale. Some records dated between 1973 and 1975, but not all dated
See also:
RU 983, Accession 2006-A-02, Box 6, Folder 329
Guide to the Department of Athletics, Yale University, Records of the Athletic Director
Lottie Bishop, Executive Secretary in the administrative office of the Medical School from 1928 to 1953
MS 569, Series II, Box 105 (correspondence)
Guide to the Robert Mearns Yerkes Papers
Ms Coll 43, New Haven Hospital and Grace New Haven Community Hospital collection, collected and donated by Lottie Bishop
Guide to the New Haven Hospital and Grace-New Haven Community Hospital Collection
Kay Codish, Director for Office of Women in Medicine at Yale School of Medicine
Guide to the Office of Public Affairs, Yale University, Photographs of Individuals
Box summary: The records consist of photographs of individuals affiliated with Yale.
Folder summaries:
Folder 85: Codish, Kay
Photographs and negatives of Kay Codish, Director for Office of Women in Medicine at Yale School of Medicine
See also:
MS 811, Series III, Box 46 (tapes), Audio Tape Appendix, 17, 18
Guide to the Arthur Jack Viseltear papers
MS 1889, Series II, Box 11 (correspondence with Robert J. Levine)
Guide to the Robert J. Levine Papers
Cora Colburn, first woman director of Yale’s dining halls (in 1923)
Frances “Fran” Holloway, Director of Yale Office for Equal Opportunity Programs
No personal files, but some material in the Office of Institutional Research records:
RU 173, Accession 1987-A-070, Box 1; and Accession 2017-A-014, Boxes 12 and 18
Guide to the Office of Institutional Research, Yale University, Records and Reports
Jackie (Jacqueline) Mintz, Dean of Saybrook College
RU 52, Accn. 1977-A-008, Box 14
Guide to the Secretary's Office, Yale University, Records
Box summary: Box contains folders related to Records of Henry Chauncey, Jr., concerning institutional research and the bicentennial
Folder summaries:
Folder 289: Mintz, Jackie, 1971
Material in relation to offering Jackie Mintz the deanship of Saybrook college – the second woman dean of a residential college. (First was Brenda Lu Jubin of Morse College (1970 – 1973.)
Guide to the Office of Public Affairs, Yale University, Photographs of Individuals
Box summary: The records consist of photographs of individuals affiliated with Yale.
Folder summaries:
Folder 2410: Mintz, Jacqueline Wei
Negatives of Jacqueline (Wei) Mintz, Dean, Associate Provost, and wife of anthropology professor Sidney Mintz
See also:
RU 1051, Accession 2012-A-047, Oral Histories of Yale Women
Guide to the Oral Histories Documenting Yale University Women
Marjorie Noyes, director of public information at School of Medicine
No personal files, but some material in the Robert J. Levine Papers, MS 1889, Series 2, Box 17
Guide to the Robert J. Levine Papers
Eva J. O’Meara, first music librarian at Yale, 1924-1952
No personal files, but some scattered material in the collections related to:
Stoeckel family (Misc. MS 247)
The Stoeckel Family Papers
Lowell Mason (MSS 33)
Register to The Lowell Mason Papers
Horatio Parker (MSS 32)
Register to The Horatio Parker Papers
Etta Onat, Assistant Dean of Yale Graduate School, 1965-1972 and Associate Dean of Yale Graduate School, 1972-1985
RU 237, Accn. 1991-A-038, Box 3
Guide to Biographical Information on Yale University Affiliated Individuals
Box summary: Box contains folders related to biographies, vitae, photographs and related materials documenting the careers of members of the Yale community.
Folder summaries:
Folder 329: Onat, Etta
Press release announcing promotion of Etta Onat from Assistant Dean to Associate Dean of Yale Graduate School (Nov 1974).
Press release announcing promotion of Etta Onat to Assistant Dean, Yale Graduate School which includes brief biography (May 11, 1966)
Martha Parker, Special Assistant to the Dean of the School of Architecture
Sherry Penney, Associate Provost from 1976-1982
RU 718, Accn. 1982-A-051, Box 9
Guide to the Budget Office, Yale University, Records
Box summary: Box contains wide range of material relating to financial information.
Folder summaries:
Folder 395: Sherry Penney, 1979-80.
Budgets of various schools and departments in Penney’s file. Penney was Associate Professor and Provost from 1976-1982
Judith Schiff, Archivist
RU 924, Accn. 2003-A-076, Box 1
Guide to the Yale University Women's Organization Oral History Project Records
Box summary: The records consist of transcripts of interviews with participants in the Women’s Organization Oral History Project
Folder summaries:
Folder 10: Schiff, Judith inter alia (10/27/2001)
Interview between Ann Child and Judith Schiff regarding the Yale University Women’s Organization
Ellen Tweed, editor of Yale Law Report (c. 1980)
Guide to the Office of Public Affairs, Yale University, Photographs of Individuals
Box summary: The records consist of photographs of individuals affiliated with Yale.
Folder summaries:
Folder 537: Tweed, Ellen
Negatives of Ellen Tweed, editor of Yale Law Report (c. 1980)
Elga Wasserman, Chair of the Planning Committee on Coeducation
Guide to the Oral Histories Documenting Yale University Women
Suzy Wugmeister, career advising
Yale University Women’s Organization Records
Box 1: Newcomer’s Club Minutes
Guide to the Yale University Women's Organization Records
Women Affiliated with Yale University Records (Used to be the Yale Dames), 1956-1989.
RU 73, Boxes 1-2
Guide to the Women Affiliated with Yale University Records
Helen Forbes Collection on Medical Wives, 1968-1971
Ms Coll 31, Box 1
Guide to the Helen Forbes Collection on Medical Wives
Yale University Women's Organization Records, 1943-2006
RU 70, Accn. 1990-A-137, Box 1; Accn. 1992-A-050, Boxes 1-2; Accn. 2007-A-160, Box 1; Accn. 2008-A-091, Boxes 1-6
Guide to the Yale University Women's Organization Records
Yale University Women's Organization Oral History Project Records, 1965-2002
RU 924, Boxes 1-37
Guide to the Yale University Women's Organization Oral History Project Records
Yale Women's Action Committee Records, 1975-1985
Report on sexual harassment at Yale
RU 477, Box 1
Guide to the Yale Women's Action Committee Records
Campus Ministry Women Records, 1969-1996
RG 68, Boxes 1-3
Guide to the Campus Ministry Women Records
Women Faculty Forum Records, 2006
The Yale Women Faculty Forum hosted a campus-wide poster session on November 7-9, 2006. The session encouraged faculty, students and staff to use a visual medium to present research, advocacy, and discussions taking place on campus by, for, and on women.
RU 1058, Series Accn. 2008-A-025
Guide to the Women Faculty Forum, Yale University, Records
Office for Women in Medicine, 1972-1980
RU 568, Box 12
Guide to the Office for Women in Medicine, School of Medicine, Yale University, Records
The Dames Data
Publication distributed by the Yale Dames
Yp21 Y2D+ (Orbis)
Yale Medical Wives Association Records, 1962-1966
RU 1064, Box 1
Guide to the Yale Medical Wives Association Records
Yale Newcomers Club Records, 1937-1987
RU 71, Accn. 19ND-A-486, Boxes 1-2; Accn. 1991-A-001, Box 1; Accn. 1991-A-125, Box 1
Guide to the Yale Newcomer's Club Records
Yale Women's Center Records, 1969-2014
RU 1130, Boxes 1-4
Guide to the Women's Center, Yale University, Records
Elizabeth Deering Hanscom Papers, 1965-1961
Box 2 includes two dresses belonging to her and her mother
MS 1754, Boxes 1-2
Guide to the Elizabeth Deering Hanscom Papers
The rise of civil government and federation in early New England, 1894
Yale dissertation by Sara B. Rogers (no call number)
Silliman Family Papers, 1717-1911
The Silliman daughters were some of the first female students at Yale
Guide to the Silliman Family Papers
Papers on Yale collection
Beatrix Jones Farrand was hired as the head landscape gardener in 1923
RU 103, Box 2, Folder 26
Guide to the Papers on Yale Collection
School of Nursing, 1890-2007
The School of Nursing had a female dean and only female students for many years
Guide to the School of Nursing, Yale University, Historical Collection
Kingman Brewster papers
Academic women (faculty and researchers), women's liaison, and minority women
RU 11, Series 1, Box 109; Series 2, Boxes 281, 291, 297, 306, 334
Guide to the Kingman Brewster, Jr., President of Yale University, Records
Women at Yale Divinity School
RG 53, Series VI
Guide to the Yale University Divinity School Memorabilia Collection
Arthur Howe Jr. papers, 1956-2009
Howe, long commitment to coed admissions; two senior history essays in the collection on coeducation and history of Yale admissions
MS 1755, Accession 2018-M-0015, Boxes 1, 4
Guide to the Arthur Howe Jr. Papers
Oral Histories Documenting Yale University Women, 2007-2009
Guide to the Oral Histories Documenting Yale University Women
Yale Dames Records
RU 1065, Accn. 19ND-A-478, Box 1
Guide to the Yale Dames Record
Box summary: Box contains folders related to the club Yale Dames, the partners of students at Yale, and includes copies of their publication “Yale Dames’ Data” , as well as copy of constitution and by-laws
Folder summaries:
Folder: Dames’ Data, 1969-70
Includes copies of Dames’ Data from the 1969-70, board members, activities of the group, and brief editorial comments
Yale Women's Coordinating Council Meeting Minutes
RU 1066, Accn. 2008-A-098, Box 1
Guide to Yale Women's Coordinating Council Meeting Minutes
Box summary: Box contains folders related to the YWCC, the administrative assembly of members of Yale organizations that coordinated programs, interest groups, communications, and served as a sounding board for all women at Yale. Box includes minutes of regular meetings
Folder summaries:
Folder 1: YWCC Minutes 1968-1971
Includes minutes from meetings, affiliate groups involved in the collective and women involved in the group. The folder also includes discussion about whether to broaden the group to recently admitted women undergraduates
Mrs. Thomas G. Bennet, benefactor (donated a building on Congress Avenue which is now part of School of Medicine)
Susan Bliss, benefactor
Some material in Librarian Records, RU 121, Accession 19ND-A-233, Box 11; Accession 19ND-A-234, Box 14, and 19ND-A-235, Box 11
Guide to the Fellowship of Helen Hadley Hall, Yale University, Records
Florence S. M. Crofut, benefactor of the Yale Carillon
Dedication of the Yale Memorial Carillon given in memory of Sidney W. and Lucy E. Marcy Crofut by their daughter Florence S. Marcy Crofut: Branford College Courtyard, Yale University, 2 October 1966 (New Haven, Conn. : Carl Purington Rollins Printing-Office of the Yale University Press, 1966).
Louise B. Cullman, major benefactor
Sophia M. Dolan, benefactor of the Yale Peabody Museum (donated major collection of butterflies and moths)
Mary Goodman, benefactor (a New Haven resident who was black, Ms. Goodman left a bequest in 1870 to support black students studying for the ministry at Yale)
Mary Stillman Harkness, benefactor, especially to library
RU 695 (photographs of and articles about Harkness Memorial Quadrangle)
Guide to the Memorial Quadrangle, Yale University, Photographs
RU 631 (photographs by James Hedden documenting construction of the quadrangle)
Guide to the Memorial Quadrangle, Yale University, Photographs by James S. Hedden
Susan Morse Hilles, daughter of Susan Ensign Morse and benefactor
Material in Frederick W. Hilles Morse personal papers (GEN MSS 1429)
Guide to the Frederick W. Hilles Manuscript Collection and Papers
Mrs. C. L. Hillhouse, benefactor (donor of land for observatory)
MS 282, Series V, Box 19
Hillhouse Family Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders related to Mary Lucas Hillhouse covering legal and accounts issues, notebooks, obituaries and scrapbooks
Folder summaries:
Folder 206: Obituaries 1871
Detailed account of Mary’s time in New Haven, her connection to the college, and the musical community at Yale
MS 282, Series V, Box 20
Hillhouse Family Papers
Folder 207-208: Scrapbooks, 1817-1868
Mary Hillhouse scrapbooks of newspaper articles covering local and national issues over the course of her life and includes examples of poetry
MS 282, Series XI, Box 48
Hillhouse Family Papers
Folders 333-334: Writings, 1871 -1873
Personal writings on topics including German songs in English rhyme and Hymms from the Latin
Irene Battel Larned and Urania Battell Humphrey, benefactors (sisters who especially supported music education at Yale)
MS 906, Box 1
Guide to the Battell Family Papers
Box summary: Box contains folders related to Sarah (Robbins) Battell, Irene Battel Larned and Urania Battel Humphrey, benefactors (sisters who especially supported music education at Yale)
Folder summaries:
Folders 1-9,10: Battell Family Papers, 1838-39, 40
Includes correspondence between Sarah Battell and her husband Joseph Battell and John Battell.
Folder 1-13: Battell Family Papers, 1845
Correspondence between family members including with Sarah (mother) and Sarah (daughter)
Folder 1-16: Battell Family Papers, 1848
Correspondence between family members including Sarah (mother) and daughters (Anna and Irene)
MS 906, Box 3
Guide to the Battell Family Papers
Box summary: Box contains diaries of Urania (Battell) Humphrey and Irene (Battell) Larned
Folder 26: Battell Family Diaries (Urania and Irene), 1837-49
Detailed lists of daily activities numbered – many of which pertain to music-related activities.
RU 151, Series IV, Box 403
Office of the Treasury
Box summary: Box contains documents related to the estates of Yale affiliates.
Folders are numbered.
Folder summaries:
Folder 584: Irene Battell Larned, 1861, 1877.
Endowments bequeathed by Irene Larned from prominent Battell family
RU 735, Accn. 2008-A-083. Library endowment fund card file, Box 1
Business Office, Yale University Library, Records
Box summary: Card file of endowments. No folders.
Record summaries:
Includes card file for Irene Battell Larned donation of $5000 for purchase of books in English language and literature (established 24 August 1877)
Card file for Irene Battell Larned Music Fund for $1105 ($1000 bond). Income for books related to science. History or art of music (established 31 May 1861)
Elizabeth McFadden, benefactor (donor to Yale University Art Gallery)
Correspondence related to Seven Springs Farm exists in:
Real Estate records (RU 522)
Guide to the Real Estate Office, Yale University, Records
Insurance Office records (RU 521)
Guide to the Insurance Office, Yale University, Records
Kingman Brewster Records (RU 11)
Guide to the Kingman Brewster, Jr., President of Yale University, Records
There is also Agnes E. Meyer’s Collection of Paul Claudel, including the poet and playwright Claudel’s letters to Meyer (GEN MSS 456)
Guide to the Agnes E. Meyer Collection of Paul Claudel
Lelia Morgan, benefactor (donor to Yale University Art Gallery)
Susan Ensign Morse, benefactor of the Morse Research Fellowship
Georgia O’Keefe, famous American artist and benefactor (donated Alfred Stieglitz collection to Yale)
The Stoeckel Family Papers
Jane Ellen Hope Winchester, benefactor (donor of Winchester Hall)
Abigale Woodbridge, benefactor (gave first bell to first Yale building in 1720)
Sylvia Ardyn Boone, Radiance from the waters: ideals of feminine beauty in Mende art 1986 (Ys H65 34+ / Yns72 1986 B66)
Boone was the first black woman to receive tenure at Yale
Otelia Cromwell, Lucretia Mott 1958 (Cb66 278)
First African American woman to receive a Yale Degree
Otelia Cromwell, Readings from negro authors : for schools and colleges, with a bibliography of negro literature 1931 (Is50 t931c)
Otelia Cromwell, Thomas Heywood; a study in the Elizabethan drama of everyday life 1928 (Ih H519 S928)
Elizabeth Deering Hanscom and Helen French Greene, Sophia Smith and the beginnings of Smith College 1925 (Ljsm51 A1 925h)
Elizabeth Deering Hanscom, The heart of the Puritan: selections from letters and journals 1917 (ML25 H198 / Cg3 15)
Elizabeth Deering Hanscom, The friendly craft: a collection of American letters 1908 (Is86 t908h)
Annie Warburton Goodrich, The social and ethical significance of nursing: a series of addresses 1932 (RT63 932G / Hist RT63 G6)
First dean of the school of nursing
Margaretta Palmer, General catalogue of stellar parallaxes 1924 (Qb813 S35+)
Margaretta Palmer, Determination of the orbit of the comet 1847 VI 1893 (Qoy 035 1)
Charlotte F. Roberts, Development and present aspects of stereo-chemistry 1896 (WB 2748)
Cornelia Roberts Trans., The progress of economic ideas in France 1893 (Nb50 1)
Sara B. Rogers, The rise of civil government and federation in early modern England 1894 (No call number)
Mary Augusta Scott, The Italian novella… 1911 (Hb68 75)
Mary Augusta Scott, Elizabethan translations from the Italian 1916 (Z2354 T7 S36 / X468 S895b)
Mary Augusta Scott, The book of the courtyer: a possible source of Benedick and Beatrice 1901 (Ig 6n y901)
Patricia M. Wald, Law and poverty 1965 (PREX 10.2:L 41/965)
For national conference on law and poverty
Laura Johnson Wylie, Studies in the evolution of English criticism 1894 (Ib53 i894w)
Laura Johnson Wylie, Social studies in English literature 1916 (Ib50 K916w)
David Sauer: “Women at Yale” project (Y 1970?)
Materials collected for a thesis that was never completed. Provides list of prominent donors (Mrs Stephen Harkness, Mabel Garvan) and faculty and administrators (Betsy Chase, Marjorie Wilder, Lottie Bishop, Katherine B Ingersoll, Ruby Charfield, Emily Hall, Arlene Hadley)
See three versions of prospectus in:
RU 19, Box 58, Folder 387
Guide to the Reuben A. Holden, Secretary of Yale University, Records
Yale Banner: Articles on coeducation from the, including 1971 article on Calvin Hill Day Care and 1973 article on women’s sports
Folio Yg11 B2 (1841-1907)
Yale University Women’s Organization: newsletters from 1965 to 1969
Guide to the Yale University Women's Organization Records
Yale Literary Prizes: many prizes given to women, although not always affiliated with Yale in other capacities
Guide to the Yale Literary Magazine Records
Yale Weekly Bulletin / Calendar: highlights many staff women
“Career Advisory Notes”: names of women alumni who participated in career advising programs (Supersedes in part Opportunities for postgraduate study and employment and summer programs issued by the Office of Counseling and Placement, Yale University, Y31 B39 A12)
“Mother of Men”: article by George Pierson-article about general history of women at Yale before coeducation
Helen Hadley Hall: files associated with graduate residence for women at Yale
Guide to the Fellowship of Helen Hadley Hall, Yale University, Records
Yale Historical Register: information from on endowments, for sources on women benefactors of Yale
Guide to the Historical Register of Yale University Data Cards
Aurora: Yale’s feminist magazine
RU 95, Series Accn. 1991-A-022 (1955-1986)
Undergraduate affairs, Yale College, records of the dean; Records of the Dean of Undergraduate Affairs, Yale College; Records of Undergraduate Student Organizations
See also:
Class notes for various class years:
Guide to the Yale College Records of Classes
Files associated with the graduate and professional schools (various)
Files associated with particular academic departments (various)