Ancient and Modern Maps on Jewish HistoryMaps and atlases from biblical to modern times, with a focus on places and periods that were significant to Jewish history. Collected by the Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Art in the Christian Tradition DatabaseFreely available, regularly updated visual image internet resource designed for scholars, students, pastors, and religious educators. All of the images may be used for educational and/or religious non-profit purposes.
Biblical Art on the WWWDatabase accompanied by a collection of thumbnail pictures with links to images hosted by other sites. Searching the database can be done by biblical subject, biblical text, artist, and keyword or phrase.
Internet Mission Photography ArchiveHistorical images from Protestant and Catholic missionary collections during the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century.
Library of Congress Digital CollectionsThis Library of Congress project provides access to a large number of LoC collections, searchable and browsable by subject and title, including a large quantity of digitized primary source material (including images).
Pitts Theology Library Digital Image ArchiveMore than 65,000 images of biblical illustrations, portraits of religious leaders, printers' devices, engravings of church buildings, and other theological topics.