This section introduces reference materials for Hebrew Bible studies. Use the drop-down menu for further information on select sources and tools.
Two rooms in Yale Divinity Library are devoted to reference materials for Hebrew Bible (and other) studies.
Trowbridge Reading Room: Located on the second (upper) floor. Trowbridge holds reference books for all studies, including Hebrew Bible studies. Librarians have chosen for this room select HB editions, commentaries, dictionaries, handbooks, concordances, and other books that they have found especially helpful for students.
It's a one-stop shop. Scan these shelves to find choice reference materials quickly.
Marvin H. Pope Reading Room: Located on the ground floor (basement). Turn left upon exiting the elevators. The entrance door is to your left as you walk into the stacks.
Although smaller than the Trowbridge Reading Room, the Pope room likewise houses reference materials for Hebrew Bible studies. Suited especially for students with some knowledge of ancient Greek. The Pope room houses commentaries, lexicons, dictionaries, concordances, and Hebrew Bibles!