Printing, Selling and Reading, 1450-1550 by Rudolf HirschStudy of the social and intellectual impact of printing and the economics of early printing. See also a collection of Hirsch’s articles on the history of printing, The Printed Word: Its Impact and Diffusion (Primarily in the 15th–16th Centuries) (London: Variorum, 1978).
Debating the Sacraments: Print and Authority in the Early Reformation by Amy Nelson BurnettBrings together the foundational disputes regarding the baptism and the Lord's Supper that laid the groundwork for the development of two Protestant traditions - Lutheran and Reformed - as well as of dissenting Anabaptist movements. Places these disputes in the context of early print culture.
Pedagogy, Printing, and Protestantism by Carmen LukeExamines the relationship between the invention of the printing press and the evolution of concepts regarding childhood and schooling. It is an interdisciplinary study of schooling, childhood, literacy, and protestantism in 16th-century Germany.