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Online Mapping Resources: TerraScope

This will serve as a guide to accessing & using resources that allow you to make and export a map online, either using data you provide, or data provided by the platform.

Online mapping resources overview

This will serve as a guide to accessing & using resources that allow you to make and export a map online, either using data you provide, or data provided by the platform.

Related Resources


TerraScope is a map-based interface for exploring IPUMS Terra's population and environmental data.  

Population data:
  • Topics: Demographics, education, employment and housing characteristics
  • Format: Area-level data describing geographic units
  • Sources: National censuses

Environmental data:

  • Topic: Land cover, agricultural land use, climate
  • Format: Raster data (spatial grids)
  • Sources: Satellite imagery, weather stations, agricultural censuses

Signing In

TerraScope requires to login to download data.

IPUMS Terra data are available free of charge. Before using the data, researchers must complete their registration and agree to abide by the usage license.

GIS Librarian

Profile Photo
Miriam Olivares
Sterling Memorial Library, Room 176G (inside DH Lab)

GIS Librarian

Profile Photo
Miriam Olivares
Sterling Memorial Library, Room 176G (inside DH Lab)