Kinema junpō is historically the most important journal, combining both criticism and industry news, but Eiga geijutsu and Eiga hyōron are two other long-running critical journals. Shinema was short-lived but very influential. Eizōgaku and Eigagaku are two of the best academic journals, with the NFC Newsletter introduces that archive’s activities. Katsudō shashinkai, Kinema rekōdo, and Katsudō no sekai were some of the important early film magazines, while Kinema shūhō and Kokusai eiga shinbun were crucial trade journals in the prewar. Eiga hihyō and Puroretaria eiga (in the Shōwa shoki sayoku eiga zasshi collection) were important organs of left-wing film movements, and Soveto eiga a center for discussions on the possibilities Soviet film posed for Japan. Nihon eiga was a semi-governmental journal up until and during the war, and Manshū eiga its equivalent in the puppet state of Manchukuo. In the postwar Jidai eiga and Eiga no tomo were popular magazines for introducing samurai and foreign film respectively. Makino and Nikkatsu eiga were studio-produced fan magazines. Shinario is a treasure trove of film scripts.
Kinema junpō is historically the most important journal, combining both criticism and industry news, but Eiga geijutsu is another long-running critical journal. Eizōgaku and Eigagaku are two of the best academic journals. Katsudō shashinkai, Kinema rekōdo, and Katsudō no sekai are some of the important early film magazines, while Kinema shūho and Kokusai eiga shinbun were superlative trade journals in the prewar. Eiga hihyō and Puroretaria eiga (in the Shōwa shoki sayoku eiga zasshi collection) were important organs of left-wing film movements and Nihon eiga was a semi-governmental journal up until and during the war. Shinario is a treasure trove of film scripts.
As a particularly rich source, I should note separately the Gordon W. Prange Collection on microform, which contains numerous film magazines from the Occupation era that were collected by censorship authorities.