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Japanese Reference Materials for Studying Japanese Cinema at Yale University: Internet Sites


The internet has made some information easier to access, but sometimes at the cost of accuracy. There are a number of sites that offer a variety of reference information, ranging from databases and indexes, to archived materials and statistics. But some can have mistakes. The JMDB has been invaluable, but since it was mostly created by one man, it is rife with errors. The Kinema Junpō database is a compilation of their “shōkai,” and thus reproduce the misprints that showed up there. As with all resources, it is best to confirm any internet sources using another, preferably printed source. The Japanese Cinema Database, supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, has become the most broad-ranging database, even though it is still a bit hard to use. The citations of Kinema junpō articles in KineJun’s database are quite helpful and the MPPAJ statistics easy to access. Some sites, such as the MPPAJ and JFDB, have English content too. The Kurosawa Archive, the Science Film Museum, and the Michigan Proletarian Film Collection are examples of the great things that can be done with the internet.

Film Databases

Other Sites