Handbook of the Mammals of the World - c2009 - 2018 volume 1 carnivores volume 2 hoofed mammals volume 3 primates volume 4 sea mammals volume 5 monotremes and marsupials volume 6 rodents volume 7 bats volume 8 insectivores location1 location2
Encyclopedia of Mammals - 2nd ed. c2006 Edited by David W. MacDonald 3 volumes location
Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Mammals - c1990 5 volumes Translated from German. volume 1 egg-laying mammals, opossums, marsupial mice, bandicoots, koalas, wombats, kangaroos, solenodons, tenrecs, hedgehogs, golden moles, shrews, moles, elephant shrews, bats, flying lemurs, volume 2 tree shrews, prosimians, monkeys, apes, humans, anteaters, sloths, armadillos, pangolins, volume 3 squirrels, beavers, mice, dormice, porcupines, bears, pandas, viverrids, hyenas, cats, volume 4 cats, dogs, seals, sea lions, rabbits, hares, pikas, whales, dolphins, aardvarks, elephants, sea cows, hydraxes, horses, tapirs, rhinoceroses, volume 5 pigs, peccaries, hippopotamuses, camels, deer, giraffes, cattle, goats, sheep, gazelles, antelopes, reindeer location1 location2