YCBA Collections Search
Search the YCBA collections online
The Museum System Database
ask at reference desk for help
TMS is the object management system for the works of art in the YCBA's collection. One of the Reference Library staff can provide you with a report based on objects in the Center's collection.
Yale's online library catalogue is where you will find the Center's rare books and manuscripts as well as the secondary sources of the Reference Library.
The collections of the Yale Center for British Art are now searchable online.The Center's online database includes all of the Paintings and Sculpture Collections and growing portions of the Center's prints, drawings, rare books and manuscripts. The entire Reference Collection is also available from this online collection search. The Rare Book and Manuscript Collections as well as the Reference Collection are also represented in ORBIS, Yale's online library catalogue.
The Center has several collection departments that can help with your research on British history of art.
Prints and Drawings
Paintings and Sculpture
Rare Books and Manuscripts
YCBA Reference Library and Archives
The Yale Center for British Art Reference Library and Archives hold 30,000 titles and over 80 current periodicals devoted to British art, artists, and culture from the sixteenth century to the present day. The collections include essential reference works on British artists, but also contain resources on British architecture, print and book culture, performing arts, costume, town and county histories, travel books, and a growing conservation and technical analysis collection. The Reference Collection not only provides resources for scholarly research on the art collections, but it also provides an historical and cultural context for the Center's works of art. Hours and Contact Information
Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat: 10am-4:30pm
Wed: 10am-8pm
Sun: 12pm-4:30pm
Recess and Holiday hours are T-Fri: 10am-4:30 pm
Kraig Binkowski
Chief Librarian
Reference services
Reference Library staff will provide one-to-one or group consultations on researching the Center's art collections or using the Reference Library resources to research any topic related to British history of art.
Reference Desk: 203 432-2818
Email: ycba.reference@yale.edu