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Subject Headings
Search the SUBJECT HEADINGS field in the online catalog by using the following terms:
Individual author's name:
Martín Gaite, Carmen
Aub, Max
Historical figures:
Franco, Francisco
Motion pictures--Spain
Spanish literature--20th century--History and criticism
Spanish drama--20th century
Background information:
Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939--Art and the War
Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939--Fiction
Spain--History--Civil War, 1936-1939--Personal narratives
Spain--Politics and Government--1931-1939
Spaniards--Foreign countries
Frente Popular (Spain)
Prisons--Spain--History--20th century
Spain--Intellectual life--20th century
Politics and literature--Spain
Spaniards--Mexico--Intellectual life--20th century
Nationalism--Spain--History--20th century
Politics and culture--Spain--History--20th century