Pre-Fabricated Enclosures:
Pre-fabricated enclosures, or "pre-fab" for short, refer to enclosures that are not custom made in house but rather purchased, usually in bulk, from third party vendors that supply standardized, conservation-grade materials.
They are:
The preservation department makes use of two common types of pre-fab enclosures:
Combined use of these two enclosure types provide the much-needed rigidity for shelving, handling and transport. Deciding between adjustable four flaps and envelopes w/ slings often comes down to the fragility and spine thickness of the object.
Please feel free to contact the CCH team for information about suppliers.
Adjustable Four Flaps:
How to fold the four flap:
After placing the item in the center of the enclosure, fold the flaps following the order below.
(1) Bottom (2) Top (3) Left (4) Right
Please view video for more instructions -
How to use an Adjustable 4-flap Enclosure
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Envelopes with Slings:
Envelope with Sling Construction:
As illustrated below, the object is first centered on the sling. Then flap 1 is folded up around the tail-edge of the item and the shorter flap 2 is wrapped around the top. The sling should be slightly wider than the width of the item so that the edges will not be abraded when slid in and out of the envelope. (Illustrations by Jake Shonborn).
Envelope & sling housing tutorial - please click on this link to view
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