To browse materials on Ambrose of Milan, use call number BR65.A316.
Ambrose by Boniface RamseyExplores the impact of Ambrose on Western civilization, and examines the complexity of his ideas and influence; as a poet, ascetic, mystic and politician. Includes up-to-date account of his life and work, with translations of key writings.
Enchantment and Creed in the Hymns of Ambrose of Milan by Brian P. DunkleOverview of the hymns of Ambrose of Milan in the context of fourth-century doctrinal song and Ambrose's own catechetical preaching. Summary presentation of early Christian hymnody, with special attention to Ambrose's Latin predecessors. Online available.
The Lands of Saint Ambrose Monks and Society in Carolingian Milan by Ross BalzarettiA history of Milan in the early medieval period. Its main theme is the role of monastic communities. Challenges the views of earlier generations of scholars who downplayed the role of the monastery in the mechanisms of social change, in favor of a 'new' mercantile class.
On Abraham by Theodosia TomkinsonAmbrose's exegesis of the account of Abraham and of his moral and spiritual significance for Christians.
Seven Exegetical Works by Saint AmbroseMainly an exegesis of many parts of the Bible, particularly of portions of Genesis, Deuteronomy, Job, and the Song of Songs, IV Esdras and IV Maccabees. Online available.
Sancti Ambrosi Opera. by Michael Petschenig et al.Published from 1896, despite the appearance of the first volumes over 100 years ago, are still just as valid today: their text was adopted, mostly without any major corrections, into the complete Latin-Italian edition of the writings of Ambrosius (SAEMO) initiated in 1974. 6 volumes.