The Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor by Pauline Allen; Bronwen Neilincluding On the Ascetic Life, Four Centuries on Charity, Two Centuries on Theology and the Incarnation, On the 'Our Father', two separate Books of Difficulties, addressed to John and to Thomas, Questions and Doubts, Questions to Thalassius, Mystagogy and the Short Theological and Polemical Works. opponents of Constantinople's introduction of the doctrine of monothelitism. this volume provides political and historical background to Maximus' activities. Online available.
Maximus the Confessor by Andrew Louthintroduces the times and upheavals during which Maximus lived. It discusses his cosmic vision of humanity and the role of the church. selection of Maximus' theological treaties accompanied by introduction. Online available.
Maximus Studies
Exegesis and Spiritual Pedagogy in Maximus the Confessor by Paul M. BlowersQuaestiones ad Thalassium, is a collection of his responses to a wide variety of questions on problematic or obscure scriptural texts that his friend the Libyan monk Thalassius had posed to him. examines Maximus's role as an expositor of scripture and spiritual father in the Byzantine monastic tradition, illuminating the relationship between Maximus the philosopher-theologian and Maximus the monastic pedagogue.
Maximus the Confessor by George C. Bertholdfour spiritual treatises of Maximus the Confessor (c. 580-662), plus an account of his trial: Four Hundred Chapters of Love, Commentary on the Lord's Prayer, Chapters on Knowledge, The Church's Mystagogy, and Trial of Maximus. Online available.