Augustine: A Very Short Introduction by Henry ChadwickBy his writings, the surviving bulk of which exceeds that of any other ancient author, Augustine came to influence not only his contemporaries but also the West since his time. Traces the development of Augustine's thought, reaction to the thinkers before him, and themes such as freedom, creation, and the trinity. Online available.
St. Augustine on Marriage and Sexuality by Elizabeth ClarkAugustine developed a sexual ethic that became decisive for all later teachings in the Christian West on issues of marriage, reproduction, and sexuality. Some of the most significant and representative passages on marriage and sexuality from his works are presented here. Document the chronological development of Augustine's sexual ethic.
Augustine in His Own Words by William HarmlessOne chapter is devoted to each: (Confessions, On the Trinity, and City of God, against Manichees, Donatists, and Pelagians). It also explores his everyday work as a bishop, preacher, and interpreter of the Bible. Intended for first-time readers.
Confessions by Henry Chadwickrenders the details of Augustine's conversion in clear, modern English. informative notes, and includes an introduction to establish the context.
Letters, Volume 1 (1-82) by Sister Wilfrid Parsonsthe first twenty letters date from a period prior to Augustine's priestly ordination. The addressees represent a fair cross section of society in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. Widely varied in subject matter. pertains to the life, customs, and abuses in the Church in northern Africa at this period. Online available.
Christian Instruction, Admonition and Grace by John J. GaviganDe agone Christiano, a treatise in simple Latin for unschooled believers, was composed in the late 390s, as was more than half of the De doctrina Christiana. Includes his views on the canon of Scripture, the proper approach to biblical exegesis, and how to preach effectively, as well as his famous distinction between "use" and "enjoyment." Also includes: Enchiridion de fide, spe, et caritate, which is a compendium of Augustine's doctrines, and the anti-Pelagian work De correptione et gratia. Online available.
Against Julian by Matthew A. SchumacherAgainst Julian stresses the traditional teachings of the Church found in the Fathers and contrasts their teaching with the rationalism of the Pelagians. Online available.
Eighty-Three Different Questions by David L. MosherMonastic questions together with the answers were later collected and assembled in a random order (ractions ). formulated between the years A.D. 388 and 395/97 and presented from the viewpoint of Neoplatonists. Online available.
Letters, Volume 6 (1-29) by Robert B. EnoJohannes Divjak found not only a single work but in fact a whole collection of letters, which he published in a critical Latin edition in 1980. This volume contains the first English translation of these newly discovered letters. The letters range in size from short memoranda to long treatises on various subjects. Online available.
Four Anti-Pelagian Writings by John A. MourantPelagian controversy. On Nature and Grace and On the Proceedings of Pelagius both date from A.D. 415-16 and constitute two of Augustine's most extensive treatments of the actual words of Pelagius. On the Predestination of the Saints and On the Gift of Perseverance were probably written in A.D. 428, near the end of Augustine's life. These treatises include some of Augustine's most significant statements on grace. Online available.
Augustine: Confessions Books I-IV by Gillian ClarkLatin text accompanied by a commentary, which can be used by those new to Augustine and his world, concentrates on his brilliant Latin and on his theology and philosophy.
Augustine: Confessions Books V-IX by Peter WhiteThrough glosses and notes, Augustine's Latin is made accessible to students of patristics and of classics. His extensive quotations from Scripture are translated and explained in light of the variant Bible texts and the interpretative assumptions through which he came to understand them.
Confessions by Carolyn J. -B. HammondConfessions, composed ca. 397, is a spiritual autobiography of Augustine's early life, family, personal and intellectual associations, and explorations of alternative religious and theological viewpoints as he moved toward his conversion. Cast as a prayer addressed to God, though always conscious of its readers. This edition replaces the earlier Loeb Confessions by William Watts. 2 Volumes. Online available.
City of God by George E. McCrackenOn the City of God (seven volumes), which unfolds God's action in the progress of the world's history, and propounds the superiority of Christian beliefs over pagan in adversity. 7 volumes. Online available.
Aurelii Augustini Opera23+ volumes. Text in Latin, introductory and editorial matter in Latin, French, or German.
Commencement de Commentaire Sur l'Epître aux Romains by Daniel HadasCe livre fournit une nouvelle édition critique de l'Inchoata expositio, accompagnée d'une traduction française et d'un commentaire détaillé sur les aspects littéraires, historiques et théologiques de ce texte-clé pour le développement de la pensée exégétique d'Augustin.
Collatio Carthaginensis Anni 411 by Clemens WeidmannMore than 500 bishops were invited to attend a trial in Carthage in 411 that terminated the 100-year-old Donatist schism. The extensive records of the trial, are presented here in a critical edition, together with two texts by Augustine that summarize the events of the trial.
De Musica by Martin JacobssonThis is the first critical edition of all six books of Augustine's De musica. Originally meant as part of a series of treatises on the liberal arts, it is especially important because of its presentation of metrics. Book six offers a theological discussion of perception based on the concept of numerus ("rhythm").
Sermones Selecti by Clemens WeidmannThis volume argues in favor of the authenticity of more than ten sermons, and for the first time, presents them in a critical edition. In addition, several sermons previously known to be authentic are presented for the first time in a complete version.
Enarrationes in Psalmos by H. MullerThe first volume of the middle part (Media Quinquagena) of Augustine's Enarrationes in Psalmos contains the explanations of psalms 51-60, which are directly based on sermons taken down in shorthand. special attention was paid to the adequate reconstruction and presentation of Augustine's colourful oral style. attempted to reconstruct the exact wording of Augustine's psalm text, which is presented in separate preliminary chapters. Multiple volumes.
In Contra sermonem Arrianorum by Max J. Suda; Georges FollietIn Contra sermonem Arrianorum, written in ca. 418, Augustine reflects, from the height of his trinitarian theological insights, on the series of theses (sermo) of an anonymous author of latin Arianism. The present edition replaces the over 300 year old Maurine edition, is based on a larger number of manuscripts, and offers for the first time a critical apparatus.
Contra Iulianum (opus imperfectum). by M. Zelzerfirst critical edition of the last three books (four to six) of Augustine's Unfinished Work against Julian of Eclanum written in response to Julian's eight books 'To Florus'. Since the Bishop of Hippo replies paragraph by paragraph to Julian's work, the first six of them are preserved in their entirety. The edition of books one to three has been published in 1974 (CSEL 85/1, ed. M. Zelzer). 2 volumes.