Important Note: Most Manuscripts and Archives collections are stored at the off-site Library Shelving Facility (LSF) in Hamden. You should place requests at least 2 business days in advance of your visit to our reading room to ensure that your materials are available when you arrive. There are no deliveries from LSF on weekends.
The Yale Finding Aid Database (YFAD) serves as the central place to search finding aids for archives and manuscript collections held by many Yale special collections repositories, including Manuscripts and Archives in Sterling Memorial Library.
Finding aids are tools that describe in varying levels of detail the contents of archival and manuscript collections. By linking collection contents to information about the containers that house those contents, finding aids are a key component of access for researchers who wish to request and use those collections. Finally, because it is important to understand the context of the accumulations of materials that typically comprise an archival or manuscript collection, finding aids provide information about collection creators--individuals, families, and organizations--and the functions and activities that caused the materials in the collection to be created, accumulated, maintained, and used over time.
Manuscripts & Archives is a major center for historical inquiry and a teaching laboratory for Yale faculty and students. It also serves as the documentary memory of Yale University. The resources held by the department include over 1700 collections of personal and family papers and organizational records, the Yale University Archives, Yale publications, and over 10,000 hours of video testimonies from Holocaust survivors, liberators, and witnesses in the Fortunoff Video Archive.