Lexicon in aristeae ad philocratei epistulam by Maurizio Ertoindex of lemmas is based on Pelletier s edition (1962), conjectures, are pointed out. Each entry includes: an Italian translation of the word; a brief explanation of the meaning and/ or usage where necessary; parallel or related texts of the Septuagint, New Testament, other Jewish and pagan writings, papyri and inscriptions from the Hellenistic era.
A Patristic Greek Lexicon by G. W. H. LampeThis dictionary is one of the most comprehensive works ever compiled on the theological and ecclesiastical vocabulary of the Greek Christian authors. Heavily influenced by LXX.
A Greek-Hebrew/Aramaic Two-Way Index to the Septuagint by T. Muraokashows which Hebrew/Aramaic words correspond a given Greek word in the Septuagint and how many times such an equation applies. enables scholars to see at a glance what Greek words were used by the Septuagint translators to translate the Hebrew and Aramaic words occurring in the Old Testament.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint: chiefly of the Pentateuch and twelve prophets by T. Muraoka;fully incorporates the data relating to the Pentateuch, 4.500 lexemes (the vocabulary of the New Testament Greek has a little over 5.000 lexemes). incorporated. of these do not occur in the Pentateuch nor in the Twelve Prophets, but occur in books for which the Gottingen edition is available. passages occurring in the corpus are either quoted or mentioned. of the Septuagint. translation equivalents in English. synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, distinction between literal and figurative, combinations with prepositions, noun cases, syntagmatic information such as what kind of direct or indirect objects a given verb takes, what kind of nouns a given adjective is used with, and much more information abundantly presented and illustrated with quotes, mostly translated. fully analysed. New Testament taken into account. various tenses of verbs, genitive forms of nouns etc. which a given Greek headword is used to translate listed with frequency counts. indispensable tool for students of the Septuagint, the New Testament, Hellenistic Judaism, and the Greek language.
A Book-By-Book Guide to Septuagint Vocab by Gegory Lanier; Ross Williamword lists organized by frequency of appearance in a given book or section of the Septuagint, this guide allows users to focus their study efforts and thus more efficiently improve their breadth of knowledge of Koine vocabulary.
Hellenistic Greek Readers
Hellenistic and Biblical Greek: a graduated reader by B. H. McLeanseventy passages reflect different styles, genres, provenances and purposes, and are arranged into eight parts according to their level of difficulty. Grammatical support and vocabulary lists accompany each passage, and a cumulative glossary offers further assistance with translation. Students are led to a deeper understanding of Hellenistic Greek, and a greater facility with the language.
On the Trail of the Septuagint Translators by A. Aejmelaeustranslation technique, which is characterized as a central aspect of methodology rather than an object of study. study of syntactical features of the Greek language used in the Septuagint to the quest for the correct understanding of the underlying Hebrew, from the overall description of the translation character of certain biblical books to the application of translation technical data in textual criticism of the Hebrew text, and from methodological questions to the discussion of theological interpretation by the translators.